Thus example sentences

Thus, they satisfy diverse market segments with a wide variety of goods and services.Thus cis and trans isomers have the same structure but have different configureuration (arrangement of atoms or groups in space).Thus, the farmers are badly affected by the uncertainties of production and market.Thus, it summarises the causes for the changes in cash position of a business enterprise between dates of two balance sheets.Thus, in this system both Kp and Kc are dimensionless quantities but have different numerical values due to different standard states.The amount thus ascertained is transferred from profits every year to Debenture Redemption Fund and its investment is termed as Debenture Redemption Fund Investment.This aggressive behaviour increased to such an extent that ultimately the animals died in large numbers, thus decreasing the population in the enclosure.Demand for money balance is thus often referred to as liquidity preference.One of these bonds is a double-bond, and thus the valency of carbon is satisfied.Mitosis thus, is the equational division in which the chromosome number of the parent is conserved in the daughter cell.Thus, food does not come into contact with iron and is protected from getting spoilt.An increase in autonomous demand thus leads to a smaller increase in output compared to a closed economy.Thus, the electronic structures of these elements are more complex than for the first two groups of elements discussed in unit This difference in electronic structures affects the other properties and consequently the chemistry of all the elements of this group.They published reports that indicated the high level of pesticides and, thus, made us aware of the need to regularly monitor these colas according to international quality and safety standards.Thus it sterilises the economy against adverse external shocks.

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