Tie example sentences
At the lowest rung were those who laboured to keep cities and villages clean or worked at jobs that upper castes considered “polluting”, that is, it could lead to the loss of caste status.A cash flow statement when used along with other financial statements provides information that enables users to evaluate changes in net assets of an enterprise, its financial structure (including its liquidity and solvency) and its ability to affect the amounts and timings of cash flows in order to adapt to changing circumstances and opportunities.Any such duties paid on export goods are, therefore, refunded to exporters on production of proof of exports of these goods to the concerned authorities.In the capacity of the business leader the global manager has to be alive to changing business situations and customer priorities he has to keep track of the trends in outsourcing and have the ability to envision upcoming opportunities as well as potential risks.It reveals the efficiency of the business in utilisation of funds entrusted to it by shareholders, debenture-holders and long-term liabilities.It is called Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) and is to be deposited with the tax authorities.The landlords compelled all tenants to plant three twentieths or 15 per cent of their holdings with indigo and surrender the entire indigo harvest as rent.These personalities are reflected in the diverse behaviour of persons.Within a short time, large scale activities from the above-mentioned regions carried over into neighbouring areas – and the most aggressive insurrections have taken place near the border.It is called Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) and is to be deposited with the tax authorities.The story of Palampur, an imaginary village, will take us through the different types of production activities in the village.Exchange of commodities and goods have been superseded by the exchange of information and knowledge.Life skills are abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life.Amongst these thirteen nutrients, six are required in large quantities and are therefore called macronutrients.Take a look at these three maps below and find out if there was a pattern in the way democracies have evolved in the twentieth century.
Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English