Tiger example sentences

The tiger was still licking his arm, with increasing relish.” “I remember your tiger very well,” said the keeper.This tiger was trapped in the hills only last month, and he is very dangerous!” Grandfather could think of nothing to say.Finally, he allowed the puppy to crawl on his back and rest there! One of Timothy's favourite amusements was to stalk anyone who would play with him, and so, when I came to live with Grandfather, I became one of the tiger's favourites.With his face near the tiger's he mumbled, “Goodnight, Timothy,” and giving the keeper a scornful look, walked briskly out of the zoo.In India, killing of lions, tigers, deers, great Indian bustards and peacocks have been banned An international convention CITES has been established that lists several species of animals and birds in which trade is prohibited.The tiger approached the bars, and allowed Grandfather to put both hands around his head.The conservationists were initially taken up with large animals like lions, tigers, elephants and rhinoceros.Grandfather 'shooed' the leopard away, and the tiger returned to lick his hands; but every now and then the leopard would rush at the bars, and he would slink back to his corner.The tiger was there, crouched in a corner, full-grown and with a magnificent striped coat.Grandfather 'shooed' the leopard away, and the tiger returned to lick his hands; but every now and then the leopard would rush at the bars, and he would slink back to his corner.Reserving a first class compartment for himself and Timothy—no one would share a compartment with them— Grandfather took him to Lucknow where the zoo authorities were only too glad to receive as a gift a well-fed and fairly civilised tiger.The tiger approached the bars, and allowed Grandfather to put both hands around his head.At first the tiger-cub, who was named Timothy by Grandmother, was brought up entirely on milk given to him in a feeding-bottle by our cook, Mahmoud.The tiger was still licking his arm, with increasing relish.

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