Told example sentences

The secretary told him that they could give no information to an outsider.He told Salima about his observations of the variety of vegetation in different parts of different continents.” Mentally, Mr Purcell made a quick calculation, which told him that at a fifty cent reduction he could still reap a tidy profit.She remembered that she had seen this in class in a video of a tsunami that had hit the Hawaiian islands in 194 Her geography teacher had shown her class the video, and told them that tsunamis can be caused by earthquakes, volcanoes and landslides.Many of them told thrilling stories of adventures and intrigues set in the past.Humph! said the Camel, and the Horse went away and told the Man.They told me that in time I would adjust and probably end up loving my new school more than I had my old one.For instance, when you are told by your teacher about a test which s/he plans to hold, it would arouse you to attend to the specific chapters.Terrified I was, but quickly I told the halwai to weigh a whole rupee worth of jalebis.I remember Geoff saying he would never come, and how none of them believed me when I told them.3 I should, however, be exceedingly surprised and even painfully surprised, if I were told that before cricket and football descended upon your sacred soil, your boys were devoid of all games.” Gandhi told Shukla he had an appointment in Cawnpore and was also committed to go to other parts of India.She told him how Johnsy was convinced that she would die when the last leaf fell.A simple soul — simple as when his mother first told him the old story — he beheld the marvellous face looking down the valley, and still wondered, why its human likeness was so long in coming.I have made many enquires on the subject and the impression left on my mind is that cultivation of the poppy is considered a curse by the people and that only by undue authority is it upheld … The cultivation was introduced at the request, nay I may say, at the command of the Collector; … The people tell me, they are ill used and abused and even beaten by the chuprassies … The people almost uniformly told, they suffered loss from poppy …' From Benoy Chowdhury, Growth of Commercial Agriculture in Bengal.

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