Tonight example sentences

And, it looked to Duttada that tonight was going to be the big night.''It looks as though Captain von Stahle preferred to stay with you tonight, Stjernstrom'', he said to the master blacksmith, and turned on his heel.''My father came home and said that you wanted to sleep here in the forge tonight, and then I asked permission to come and bring you home to us.“The fact is I very nearly didn't come back tonight at all.“I don't know what is the matter with me,” he said, “but I don't feel like singing tonight.It contained a brief note: Dear Dr Forsyth, The bearer of this note has been instructed to bring you to my office in London tonight.But in a moment or two he hopped up to the ivory perch and said, “What is the joke?” ''There's no joke,” said September, “but some of mamma's cats are prowling about tonight, and I think you're much safer in there.

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