Tradition example sentences
Indian cultural tradition provides us with certain effective mechanisms (e.g., fasting in vrata or roza and nonattachment with worldly things) for developing self-control.Referred to as the Young Bengal Movement, his students attacked tradition and custom, demanded education for women and campaigned for the freedom of thought and expression.They sell fabrics, furnishings, readymades and household items made out of traditional Indian fabrics.We will look briefly at some of the important political traditions of the nineteenth century, and see how they influenced change.There is a two way classification of ratios: (1) traditional classification, and (2) functional classification.This school of thought is known as the classical tradition.Today we use these texts as sources for writing histories of the bhakti tradition.The traditional classification has been on the basis of financial statements to which the determinants of ratios belong.However, he often emphasised that games like cricket and hockey were imported into India by the British and were replacing traditional games.Traditionally, the Government issued bonds, but these days' bonds are also being issued by semi-government and non-governmental organisations.The traditional Indian view about the environment supports the spiritual perspective.But they preserved rich customs and oral traditions.Work on the fields: Wheat crop— ploughing by bullocks, sowing, spraying of insecticides, cultivation by traditional method, cultivation by modern method, and cutting of crops.In other regions, regional cultures grew around religious traditions.This was apparent in the emergence of many distinct and shared traditions: in the realms of governance, the management of the economy, elite cultures, and language.
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