Transmit example sentences
These pathogens can be present in and transmitted through the soil, water and air.Communication is a process that helps in transmitting meaning from one person to another.Studies indicate that abnormal activity by certain neurotransmitters can lead to specific psychological disorders.As you can see that in any communication process, the degree to which the communication is effective depends on the communicators' mutual understanding of the signals or codes being used in transmitting a message and in receiving.In the novel we see the characters attempting to bridge two different worlds through their actions: they take to new agricultural technology, modernise trading practices, change the use of Indian languages, making them capable of transmitting both Western sciences and Indian wisdom.Informal channels are used by the managers to transmit information so as to know the reactions of his/her subordinates.Usually the poorest, most deprived communities and women transmitted these songs, often adding their own experiences.Thus, booms and recessions in one country tend to be transmitted to other countries through international trade in goods and services.They are used for forecasting weather, transmitting television and radio signals.When an electrical impulse reaches a neuron's ending, the nerve ending is stimulated to release a chemical, called a neurotransmitter.In other words, cells cannot continually create and transmit electrical impulses.If other cells around have the means to detect this compound using special molecules on their surfaces, then they would be able to recognise information, and even transmit it.After a series of experiments, it was concluded that the tip of coleoptile was the site of transmittable influence that caused the bending of the entire coleoptile.You (communicator A) encoded a message (you need a pen) and used a channel for transmitting it (vocal chords producing sound waves) to your friend (communicator B).Counsellors and clients both transmit and receive verbal and non-verbal messages during the process.
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