Twenty example sentences

As you all know, in the twenty-fifth century, five hundred years after all this happened, we Earthlings resumed contact with Mars, and we even became very friendly with the Martians.Ivan Lomov, a long time wealthy neighbour of Stepan Chubukov, also wealthy, comes to seek the hand of Chubukov's twenty-five-year-old daughter, Natalya.I jump up like a lunatic, walk about a bit and lie down again, but as soon as I begin to get off to sleep there's another pull! And this may happen twenty times.The staff of Gemini Studios had a nice time hosting two hundred people of all hues and sizes of at least twenty nationalities.This is because it borrows by issuing bonds to the people living at present but may decide to pay off the bonds some twenty years later by raising taxes.Accounting practices in India could be traced back to a period when twenty three centuries ago, Kautilya, a minister in Chandragupta's kingdom wrote a book named Arthashasthra, which also described how accounting records had to be maintained.Twenty-five roubles would be a handsome price to pay for him.AT the age of twenty-two, a former scout of the year excited the scientific world with a new theory on how cells work.Finally, we take another leap and look at democracies in the year 2000, at the beginning of the twenty-first century.After a month seven persons were dead, twenty in hospital and twenty six thousand treated for symptoms of poisoning.This machine may be in service for the next twenty years after which it falls into disrepair and needs to be replaced.The call had to be booked twenty-four hours in advance.It contains twenty six- membered rings and twelve five membered rings.One rupee fetched more than twenty rupees does nowadays.Imagine how much could be accomplished if companies could operate on a twenty-four hour workday.

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