Underdeveloped example sentences

You might ask — if development can mean different things, how come some countries are generally called developed and others underdeveloped? Before we come to this, let us consider another question.In developing countries, where many remote regions are underdeveloped, these kinds of exchanges do take place, but they are generally not counted in the GDPs of these countries.Having achieved success in accomplishing this task by late 1950s, the World Bank turned its attention to the development of underdeveloped nations.In many underdeveloped countries production (in agriculture especially) is carried out by peasant families.The main objectives behind setting up this international organisation were to aid the task of reconstruction of the war-affected economies of Europe and assist in the development of the underdeveloped nations of the world.Moreover, since the underdeveloped countries depend heavily on agriculture and small industries, the attempt to develop infrastructure had hardly any effect on these two sectors.To give shape to this investment aspect in the underdeveloped nations, the International Development Association (IDA) was formed in the year 1960.

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