Vested example sentences

In last year, the interest earned and the appropriated fixed amount are not invested.Return on Investment (RoI) is a useful technique which provides the basic yardstick for measuring whether or not invested capital has been used effectively for generating reasonable amount of return.This investment earns as certain amount of income (call it interest) which is reinvested together with the fixed appropriated amount for the purpose in subsequent years.By taking the loan, the cultivator was forced to grow opium on a specified area of land and hand over the produce to the agents once the crop had been harvested.They had to set up a relationship with farmers on the way, so that the herds could graze in harvested fields and manure the soil.The owner's capital remains invested in the business for a longer duration and is not required to be refunded during the life period of the business.With one of these machines, 500 acres of wheat could be harvested in two weeks.In last year, the interest earned and the appropriated fixed amount are not invested.They established tea and coffee plantations, acquiring land at cheap rates from the colonial government; and they invested in mining, indigo and jute.How did they become rich/developed? They have invested on people especially in the field of education and health.That I can be so affected by a few familiar phrases on the bansuri, surprises me at first, for on the previous occasions that I have returned home after a long absence abroad, I have hardly noticed such details, and certainly have not invested them with the significance I now do.On the other hand, if business suffers any losses, it will decrease the invested amount in business.The management of a company is vested with the power to reissue the shares once forfeited by it, subject of course, to the terms and conditions in the articles of association relating to the same.These goods form a part of capital, one of the crucial factors of production in which a productive enterprise has invested, and they continue to enable the production process to go on for continuous cycles of production.This investment earns as certain amount of income (call it interest) which is reinvested together with the fixed appropriated amount for the purpose in subsequent years.

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