Who example sentences

One question that comes to mind is: “How are groups (e.g., your family, class, and the group with which you play) different from other collections of people?” For example, people who have assembled to watch a cricket match or your school function are at one place, but are not interdependent on each other.She tells her Aunt who is always unkind to her: 'People think you a good woman, but you are bad .The day the news arrived, the landowner's manor house was looted, his stock farms were “requisitioned” and his vast orchard was cut down and sold to the peasants for wood; all his far buildings were torn down and left in ruins while the land was distributed among the peasants who were prepared to live the new Soviet life.An audience is also a collection of people who have assembled for a special purpose, may be to watch a cricket match or a movie.Members of a highly cohesive group have a greater desire to remain in the group in comparison to those who belong to low cohesive groups.The most important among them were Janeshwar, Namdev, Eknath and Tukaram as well as women like Sakkubai and the family of Chokhamela, who belonged to the “untouchable” Mahar caste.Similarly, the relationship authorised by between the two entity types vouchers and employees associates each voucher with the employee who authorises it.Interest on debentures is paid to a person who produces the interest coupon attached to such debentures.THERE was a girl named alliammai who was called alli for short.Interest on debentures is paid to a person who produces the interest coupon attached to such debentures.I think what this country needs is a strong leader, someone who does not have to bother about elections and parliament.His eldest son Somu who is 10 years old also works as a pali to look after the cattle of the Sarpanch of the village Satpal Singh.Some constituencies are reserved for people who belong to the Scheduled Castes [SC] and Scheduled Tribes [ST].It also defines different price indices like GDP deflator, Consumer Price Index, Wholesale Price Indices and discusses the problems associated with taking GDP of a country as an indicator of the aggregate welfare of the people of the country.For example, a crowd is also a collection of people who may be present at a place/situation by chance.

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