Wholesaler example sentences

If there are no wholesalers, these functions shall have to be performed either by the manufacturers or the retailers.The wholesalers perform various marketing functions and provide support to the retailers.The cooperative stores generally buy in large quantity, directly from manufacturers or wholesalers and sell them to the consumers at reasonable prices.The wholesalers make the products of various manufacturers readily available to the retailers.The franchiser can be any service provider be it a restaurant, hotel, travel agency, bank wholesaler or even a retailer - who has developed a unique technique for creating and marketing of services under its own name and trade mark.Wholesalers are an important link between manufacturers and retailers.The wholesalers provide financial assistance to the manufacturers in the sense that they generally make cash payment for the goods purchased by them.The wholesalers purchase in bulk and sell in relatively small quantities to the retailers.They get their supplies from local suppliers as well as wholesalers.The wholesalers facilitate continuity of production activity throughout the year by purchasing the goods as and when these are produced.The wholesalers specialise in one line of products and know the pulse of the market.Wholesalers provide various services to the manufacturers as well as the retailers and provide immense help in the distribution of goods and services.Wholesalers perform a number of functions in the process of distribution of goods and services and provide valuable services to manufacturers and retailers.He/she normally buys goods in large quantities from wholesalers and sells them in small quantities to the ultimate consumers.The services provided by wholesalers to retailers include availability of goods marketing support grant of credit specialised knowledge risk sharing A retailer is a business enterprise that is engaged in the sale of goods and services directly to the ultimate consumers.

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