Wife example sentences
General Bachelet's wife and daughter were put in prison and tortured.The novel tells the moving story of Hori and his wife Dhania, a peasant couple.His wife Sunhari is also (part time) working as house cleaner for the livestock, removing and managing cow dung.It was at this point that my wife looked at me with an expression of wonder —not anger or exasperation, but just simple wonder — and said, “I can't believe you do this for a living.Attending to various emergencies are daily hassles experienced by a housewife.Moreover, the children from his first wife are quite grown up.His wife, Caroline, writes in her diary for 14 October 1892 that their day was 'wrecked by two reporters from Boston'.Oh, my heart! You're an intriguer! What? I am an intriguer? [shouts] Shut up! Intriguer! Boy! Pup! Old rat! Jesuit! Shut up or I'll shoot you like a partridge! You fool! Everybody knows that — oh, my heart! — your late wife used to beat you.He had a wife and one son, born just six months ago.Somebody asked, “Doctor, is your wife very fat?” “No,” the doctor said.He and his wife Begum Zinat Mahal were sent to prison in Rangoon in October 185 Bahadur Shah Zafar died in the Rangoon jail in November 186 The recapture of Delhi, however, did not mean that the rebellion died down after that.Now on planes when the food is delivered, my wife says: “Take the lids off the food for Daddy” or “Put your hoods up, children.He somehow managed to save himself, his wife and his baby daughter from the waves.The story is about Bimala, the wife of Nikhilesh, a liberal landlord who believes that he can save his country by patiently bettering the lives of its poor and marginal sections.At last his wife said, “I will tell you what to do.
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