Wizard example sentences

Choose Option buttons, along with any of the styles given below in wizard dialog.Report wizard responds by requiring the designer to choose the report layout (stepped, block, outline and align left) and its orientation (portrait and landscape).By default, the wizard provides for choosing look up values from table or query.If the selected controls (such as List box, combo box or SubForm) when added to the Form do not invoke the automated wizard, the control wizard need be selected by click action before selecting the control which is to be embedded on the Form for design purposes.The Report wizard allows a designer to choose the fields from multiple tables along with specification for grouping, sorting and formatting of information content in report.In order to create a new database without the help of database wizard (that is an automated process in Access).Double click at Create Query by Using Wizard given on the RHS (Right Hand Side).Access provides for creation of a Form either by Design or Wizard.Access responds by displaying Report Wizard window similar to the one displayed for query wizard.Form wizard responds by providing six mutually exclusive choices with respect to layout of the Form.Immediately, the List control wizard gets activated and displayed.Immediately there is a window titled, Form Wizard which allows the designer to choose the data table along with the related available fields to choose from.Subform wizard displays a dialog to giving fields classified by their respective tables.Immediately, there is a window titled Simple Query Wizard (Shown in figureure: 1 6) that prompts the user to select a field from a table or an existing query that is to be included in the query being created.This is particularly important when the initial design of a Form is created using Form wizard.

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