Won example sentences

In the election campaign, Devi Lal said that if his party won the elections, his government would waive the loans of farmers and small businessmen.Have you ever wondered how this happens? Growth hormone is one of the hormones secreted by the pituitary.When we say that Lok Dal won 60 seats in Haryana, it means that candidates of Lok Dal won in 60 assembly constituencies in the state and thus Lok Dal had 60 MLAs in the state assembly.In 2005 the new king of Nepal dismissed the elected government and took back political freedoms that people had won in the previous decade.It turned its head with a wide, wondering motion and shook him through with the stare of its liquid eyes.Forgive me!” The king was very happy to have made peace with his enemy so easily, and to have won him over as a friend.Although many definitions of abnormality have been used over the years, none has won universal acceptance.Paheli wondered, why the village sky was so different from the night sky in big cities? Her grandfather explained that due to bright light, smoke and dust, sky in big cities is rarely clear.It took a fire for me to stop focusing on my feelings of insecurity and open up to all the wonderful people around me.Have you ever wondered from where plants get their food? Green plants, in fact, have to make or rather synthesise the food they need and all other organisms depend on them for their needs.You might wonder why were the Constitution makers were so particular in providing written guarantees of the rights of the minorities.“Won't your mother be looking for you?” the conductor asked when he gave the girl her ticket.Schrock Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA won the 2005 Nobel Prize in chemistry for work that reduces hazardous waste in creating new chemicals.The Indians resisted, won many victories in wars, but were ultimately forced to sign treaties, give up their land and move westward.as if she won't consent! She's in love; egad, she's like a lovesick cat, and so on.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English