Wonder example sentences

Sophie watched her back stooped over the sink and wondered at the incongruity of the delicate bow which fastened her apron strings.” She wondered if she should say about his teeth, but decided against it.With wonderful humour, Basheer's novels spoke about details from the everyday life of Muslim households.“I thought you'd wonder that,” said the little bird.It is thus no wonder that most multicellular organisms use another means of communication between cells, namely, chemical communication.Thinking about Wanda and her hundred dresses all lined up in the closet, Maddie began to wonder who was going to win the drawing and colouring contest.This wonderful woman took her in and worked hard to find out whose cat it was.But have you ever wondered what this could result in? That it may lead to falling groundwater levels, adversely affecting water availability and food security of the people.Have you ever wondered about the efforts the miners make in making life comfortable for you? What are the impacts of mining on the health of the miners and the environment.I wonder what will I do, what can I tell them now if he doesn't come? But we know how it was, Danny and me — that's the main thing.With so many thousands of goods and services produced, you might think this is an impossible task! Not only would the task be enormous, you might also wonder how we can add up cars and computers and nails and furniture.Paheli wondered what mushroom and other micro-organisms eat.'' In spite of having travelled all over the world — Khansaab as he is fondly called — is exceedingly fond of Benaras and Dumraon and they remain for him the most wonderful towns of the world.As we read the story we wonder about industrialisation and its impact on society and people.Naipaul1 'feels that some people are wounded by interviews and lose a part of themselves,' Lewis Carroll, the creator of Alice in Wonderland, was said to have had 'a just horror of the interviewer' and he never consented to be interviewed — It was his horror of being lionized which made him thus repel would be acquaintances, interviewers, and the persistent petitioners for his autograph and he would afterwards relate the stories of his success in silencing all such people with much satisfaction and amusement.

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