Worthiness example sentences

The creditworthiness of a person is judged by her current assets or the collateral (a security pledged for the repayment of a loan) she can offer.They help summarise the financial information effectively and assess the managerial efficiency, firm s credit worthiness, earning capacity, etc.The dependence of business on certain sources may affect its credit worthiness in the market.Assessing importer's creditworthiness and securing a guarantee for payments: After receipt of the indent, the exporter makes necessary enquiry about the creditworthiness of the importer.) on aspects like track record of the company, its profitability, debt servicing capacity, credit worthiness and the perceived risk of lending.The mid-market companies (i.e. companies with reasonably good creditworthiness but with lower public profile) have resorted to lease financing basically as an alternative to bank/institutional financing.If this problem persists, it may affect firms credit worthiness adversely.Providing information about credit worthiness of prospective client's etc.Trade credit is a convenient and continuous source of funds; Trade credit may be readily available in case the credit worthiness of the customers is known to the seller; Trade credit needs to promote the sales of an organisation; If an organisation wants to increase its inventory level in order to meet expected rise in the sales volume in the near future, it may use trade credit to, finance the same; It does not create any charge on the assets of the firm while providing funds.Financial analysis focusses on the facts and relationships related to managerial performance, corporate efficiency, financial strengths and weaknesses and creditworthiness of the company.Equity capital provides credit worthiness to the company and confidence to prospective loan providers.

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