Yen example sentences

So rupees must be exchanged for yen in the foreign exchange market.According to the theory, as long as there are no barriers to trade like tariffs (taxes on trade) and quotas (quantitative limits on imports), exchange rates should eventually adjust so that the same product costs the same whether measured in rupees in India, or dollars in the US, yen in Japan and so on, except for differences in transportation.Under suitable conditions, linear polymerisation of ethyne takes place to produce polyacetylene or polyethyne which is a high molecular weight polyene containing repeating units of (CH = CH – CH = CH ) and can be represented as —(CH = CH – CH = CH)n — Under special conditions, this polymer conducts electricity.Originally defined in terms of gold, with 35 SDRs being equal to one ounce of gold (the dollar-gold rate of the Bretton Woods system), it has been redefined several times since 197 At present, it is calculated daily as the weighted sum of the values in dollars of four currencies (euro, dollar, Japanese yen, pound sterling) of the five countries (France, Germany, Japan, the UK and the US).Two architects, Edward Lutyens and Herbert Baker, were called on to design New Delhi and its buildings.The Indian resident buying a Japanese car pays for it in rupees but the Japanese exporter will expect to be paid in yen.Gneissoid, granite, syenite, slate, schist, marble, quartzite etc.” These are some extracts from the last speech of Salvador Allende (pronounced Ayen-they).The ideas of la patrie (the fatherland) and le citoyen (the citizen) emphasised the notion of a united community enjoying equal rights under a constitution.Camels, hyenas, jackals, foxes, scorpions, many varieties of snakes and lizards are the prominent animal species living there.

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