Young example sentences

It cautioned young men of well-to-do families against the dangerous influences of bad company and consequent loose morals.Because, young man, I'm not used to being spoken to in that tone of voice, and so on.The Himalayas, geologically young and structurally fold mountains stretch over the Figureure 3 : Himalayas northern borders of India.” “That's right, but he is not so young, you know — almost the same age as I am — and he also limps.Mahadev Desai and Narhari Parikh, two young men who had just joined Gandhi as disciples, and their wives, volunteered for the work.He had also formed a secret society called Young Italy for the dissemination of his goals.Social competence (respect for social order, commitment to elders, the young and the needy, concern about others, recognising others perspectives).But suddenly she saw a young cow lying dead by the roadside, just where it had been struck by some fast-moving vehicle.Timothy was provided with two companions —Toto, the monkey, who was bold enough to pull the young tiger by the tail, and then climb up the curtains if Timothy lost his temper; and a small mongrel puppy, found on the road by Grandfather.Erikson argues that young people must generate for themselves a central perspective and a direction that can give them a meaningful sense of unity and purpose.“Why not organise yourselves into a cooperative?” I ask a group of young men who have fallen into the vicious circle of middlemen who trapped their fathers and forefathers.It seems that, many years before, a young man had left the valley and settled at a distant seaport.As a young man of 24, he was sent into exile in 1831 for attempting a revolution in Liguria.It reveals how as a young boy William Douglas nearly drowned in a swimming pool.'' He accepted the fur coat, which the valet handed him with a deep bow, threw it over his rags, and followed the young lady out to the carriage, without granting the astonished blacksmiths so much as a glance.

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