Your example sentences

Your teachers and parents praise and/ or criticise you.You can choose a test depending on the purpose of your use.You would have heard of people complaining of 'party-politics' in your locality.Discuss among yourselves on what India should do for development.You must know, honoured Natalya Stepanovna, that I have long, since my childhood, in fact, had the privilege of knowing your family.Many of you might have experienced this when you tried to study for your examination, with the neighbours celebrating a marriage with loud music.” Penny said, “I'm proud of you, boy, the way you kept your head and did what was needed.You go to the market along with your father to buy a computer.For example, if you yourself get good marks in a test, you will attribute it to your own ability or hard work (actor-role, internal attribution for a positive experience).How is it that the average person in Punjab has more income than the average person in Kerala but lags behind in these crucial areas? The reason is — money in your pocket cannot buy all the goods and services that you may need to live well.Suppose you favour capital punishment for heinous crimes, what would happen if you were interacting with and discussing this issue with like-minded people? After this interaction, your views may become stronger.You have already studied about environment in your earlier classes.What would you do in such a situation? What do you think most people of your age would do? If your answer is that you would agree to sign the letter, you have expressed a form of social influence called 'conformity' which means behaving according to the group norm, i.e. the expectations of other group members.Check your results by substituting them into the equilibrium equation.My dear fellow, why are you so formal in your get-up! Evening dress, gloves, and so on.

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