Face meaning in hindi
As noun : अँग Ex: A face black with fury
अंकित मूल्य Ex: he washed his face अक्षर आकृति Ex: The advent of the Mughals into India changed the face of India. अक्षरशैली Ex: an animated and expressive face अग्र भाग Ex: He is gazing with rapture at the face of his beloved. अग्रभाग Ex: The changing face of our society is the outcome of blindly followong the western culture.. उ: जिसमे इसके अग्रभाग एवं सीडियां भी शामिल है। अतिप्रसंग Ex: his face has many lines अधरांगा Ex: The proposal mooted by the government is flying in the face of all established norms. अनुहारि Ex: She assumed a happy look on her face अभ्यासादन Ex: Her face is so beautiful . अवकर्त Ex: The minister had to face a fusillade from the public. अवनीतल Ex: He had to face a lot of problems during the production of this new kind of paper. आच्छादित करना Ex: He lacks courage to face the audience. आदरभाव Ex: Her face and back are covered with frackles. आनर Ex: sheathe her face आबखुर्द Ex: The brightness of her face told it all. इज्ज़त Ex: His face lighted up on listening the news of his success. उ: इसे बुजुर्गों की इज्ज़त करने का एक कन्फ्युशीयन मूल्य माना जाता है। उजम्मत Ex: he ran some water in the basin and splashed it on his face उपाचिति Ex: The wrinkles on her face are not visible. उर्वीतल Ex: Freshen up your face with moisturiser. ऊपरी भाग Ex: her face was beautifully made up करामत Ex: His face was full of smuts. का़लर कफ लगाना Ex: Her face became ashen after hearing the news.
She heard the news ashen-faced. कृंतत्र Ex: Her face was dripping with sweat. क्षितितल Ex: her sweet unpainted face खाँडा़ Ex: On seeing his enemy, his face colour changed to puce.. खुंट Ex: He had to face a spate of questions during the trial. खुंट Ex: He had to face a spate of questions during the trial. गणता Ex: Her face was shadowed by a wide-brimmed hat. गिट्ट Ex: Her face was suffused with delight. गूला Ex: All my plans blew up in my face . घनवर Ex: Bob hit Billy in the face . घनोत्तम Ex: Eventually, you will have to face the facts . घुमना Ex: The whole play fell on its face . घुमाना Ex: You're always feeding your face . घृष्णत्व Ex: Stop feeding your face and listen to me . घोटाघौवा Ex: Everytime I see you, you are stuffing your face . चुब्र Ex: I went out with a smile on my face . चेहरा Ex: I am jazzed up and ready to face life . उ: चेहरा पीला पड़ गया था। चेहरारूप Ex: He lathered up his face . छोर Ex: Martha's gone to put her face on . उ: इसका उत्तरी छोर अपेक्षाकृत अधिक ढलवा है। जबानदराजी Ex: The girl's tear-stained face told its own story . जिलवा Ex: She wheeled around quickly to face him . झंपना Ex: In the face of the country being re-occupied by the Red Army टाइपफेस Ex: Audisio said to his driver "Look at his face उ: पंचानन कर्माकर के साथ मिलकर उन्होने पहला टाइपफेस विकसित किया। टोँका Ex: In the late 1930s the Italians changed the face of the town डटकर सामना करना Ex: By July 4 1934, Washington's face had been completed and was dedicated. डायल Ex: The face of Thomas Jefferson was dedicated in 1936 उ: पिछले १९९० से डायल अप कनेक्शनों की संख्या बढ़ी है। ढिग Ex: In 1939, the face of Theodore Roosevelt was dedicated. ढिठपन Ex: Pound was brought back to the United States to face charges of treason. ढोठिपन Ex: The first two batsmen - the "openers" - usually face the most hostile bowling तल Ex: China was not ready to face Japan on equal terms उ: इसका तल गहरे रंग का होना चाहिए। तार्तीय Ex: He received plastic surgery and half of his face remained paralyzed. ताश के पत्ते का अंकित भाग Ex: Olivier slapped her face दुछोल Ex: The sector continues to face problems देहकोष Ex: He turns to face Bertilak with his back to the ravine, prepared to fight. द्विसप्ताह Ex: "his face was glorified" धरातल Ex: Pregnant women may face an additional risk from cheese उ: वहां की धरातल बहुत ठीक नही है। धार्ष्ट Ex: As a result, it always presents the same face to the planet. धृष्टता Ex: Taking this formula at face value धृष्णता Ex: The Bahá'ís in Egypt also face persecution नड्वाभू Ex: Leonardo may have placed his own portrait on the Shroud as the face of Jesus. नषाना Ex: Greek and Latin letters were discovered written near the face . निपाख Ex: This means they only ever show one face to their stars नुक्कड Ex: These two rivals would later face off in the Cold War. पक्ष Ex: In the face of this criticism उ: पक्ष को साधारण भाषा में पखवाड़ा भी कहा जाता है। पक्षद्वय Ex: The satellite passes over the face of the Sun in about a second, typically. पच्छ Ex: "hitting a stutterer in the face when the weather is cloudy" पतपानी Ex: Kerala's rivers face many problems परतिसठा Ex: Yet to Abraham's face the Hittites said, "You are a great chief among us. पहलू Ex: 4/13 of the cards are tens or face cards उ: मिस्र में हशत पहलू मीनार भी मिलते हैं। पृष्ठ Ex: In 1800 Johann Schröter made observations of surface features उ: मंदिर के पृष्ठ भाग में सूर्य देव विराजमान हैं। पोँटा Ex: Olivier slapped her face प्रतिष्ठा Ex: ” Taking these claims at face value उ: प्राण प्रतिष्ठा एक असाधारण और अद्भुत कार्य है । प्रत्यक्ष मूल्य Ex: A series of scarps face southwest फलक Ex: In the face of these issues उ: भाप टरबाइन में सबसे मुख्य इसके फलक हैं। फृष्ठ Ex: In the face of international pressure फेस Ex: Agassi was happy that he did not have to face Lendl or McEnroe in the final उ: यह लाइन द्वितीय फेस में तीन ओर बढ़ाई जाएगी। बाहरि भाग Ex: Jim Brown, led the way in turning Limerick around to face the river. बाह्य अर्थ Ex: Helens' north face was displaced out at least 270 feet . भाग Ex: Different countries face different kinds of challenges . उ: इस शहर का सबसे प्रमुख भाग पंचवटी है। भागहार Ex: However, different countries face different situations . भित्त Ex: Supports new economic reforms but with a human face . भौँराना Ex: They face losses, as their toys are selling much less . भौमा Ex: If you go back, I can never show my face in the village . मढवा देना Ex: His efforts completely changed the face of his village . मानमान्यता Ex: Play begins with each player being dealt two cards face down. मुंह फेरना Ex: And finally, Iraq would face sanctions if it disobeyed any of the demands. मुख या चेहरा Ex: Only the front of its face is missing. मुखमंडल Ex: Never have I seen His Majesty's face so pale". मुखविकृति Ex: The falls face directly toward the Canadian shore. मुखाकृति Ex: In the face of this increasing opposition to Theban dominance उ: मुखाकृति सामान्य रखें। मुठभेड करना Ex: Thebes was wiped from the face of the Earth मुठभेड़ करना Ex: I think he should face those charges मुढना Ex: In the face of Germany's rising militarism, Einstein wrote and spoke for peace. मुरकाना Ex: Isis protected and raised Horus until he was old enough to face Set मू Ex: The indigenous peoples of Taiwan face economic and social barriers मूँदना Ex: The face of J. R. "Bob" Dobbs was split across the first two volumes रूपचित्र Ex: A bullet shaved his face वकअत Ex: A face effeminate वकार Ex: A face grimacing वखरुह Ex: A face grinning वसुधातल Ex: A face made वस्त्राचल, वस्त्रांत Ex: A face mafflu विपुन Ex: A face pouparde , A face that holds the child वीरवाद Ex: A friendly face वोर Ex: A laughing face व्यायुक Ex: A pleasant face व्यावृति Ex: A smiling face शिक Ex: Action will return to face शोखी Ex: Angle a face of an object made with other शोर्ष Ex: As this is done! Somebody says that is badly dressed, more neglected than usual, or not so good face he used to have संछादन Ex: Asymmetry of the face, on both sides of the face संप्रवर्त्तन Ex: At face value, depending on the direction literal, according to the proper meaning of the words सतल Ex: At first glance, his face displeases सामना करना Ex: Bestiality is written on his face सामना होना या करना Ex: bouffit face him every day, It s' gradually swells सामने होना Ex: By analogy, a wrinkled face सियादत Ex: By extension, face convulsed सीरा Ex: changed face उ: सीरा कार्यों में पाए गए विभिन्न कथाओं में प्रदर्शित कई विसंगतियों। सूरत Ex: changed face उ: सूरत ज़िला भारत के गुजरात राज्य का एक ज़िला है। हँड़ाना Ex: chapping face हँढ़ावना Ex: charbonner face someone हाइभाइ Ex: Cover your head, face हाय भाय Ex: Do not always take things at face value हावभाव Ex: Dry your hands, eyes, face हिस्सा बखरा Ex: elevation of the main face of a palace, a house हीनपक्ष Ex: Enter, spot, face the ridiculous मोहरा
She heard the news ashen-faced. कृंतत्र Ex: Her face was dripping with sweat. क्षितितल Ex: her sweet unpainted face खाँडा़ Ex: On seeing his enemy, his face colour changed to puce.. खुंट Ex: He had to face a spate of questions during the trial. खुंट Ex: He had to face a spate of questions during the trial. गणता Ex: Her face was shadowed by a wide-brimmed hat. गिट्ट Ex: Her face was suffused with delight. गूला Ex: All my plans blew up in my face . घनवर Ex: Bob hit Billy in the face . घनोत्तम Ex: Eventually, you will have to face the facts . घुमना Ex: The whole play fell on its face . घुमाना Ex: You're always feeding your face . घृष्णत्व Ex: Stop feeding your face and listen to me . घोटाघौवा Ex: Everytime I see you, you are stuffing your face . चुब्र Ex: I went out with a smile on my face . चेहरा Ex: I am jazzed up and ready to face life . उ: चेहरा पीला पड़ गया था। चेहरारूप Ex: He lathered up his face . छोर Ex: Martha's gone to put her face on . उ: इसका उत्तरी छोर अपेक्षाकृत अधिक ढलवा है। जबानदराजी Ex: The girl's tear-stained face told its own story . जिलवा Ex: She wheeled around quickly to face him . झंपना Ex: In the face of the country being re-occupied by the Red Army टाइपफेस Ex: Audisio said to his driver "Look at his face उ: पंचानन कर्माकर के साथ मिलकर उन्होने पहला टाइपफेस विकसित किया। टोँका Ex: In the late 1930s the Italians changed the face of the town डटकर सामना करना Ex: By July 4 1934, Washington's face had been completed and was dedicated. डायल Ex: The face of Thomas Jefferson was dedicated in 1936 उ: पिछले १९९० से डायल अप कनेक्शनों की संख्या बढ़ी है। ढिग Ex: In 1939, the face of Theodore Roosevelt was dedicated. ढिठपन Ex: Pound was brought back to the United States to face charges of treason. ढोठिपन Ex: The first two batsmen - the "openers" - usually face the most hostile bowling तल Ex: China was not ready to face Japan on equal terms उ: इसका तल गहरे रंग का होना चाहिए। तार्तीय Ex: He received plastic surgery and half of his face remained paralyzed. ताश के पत्ते का अंकित भाग Ex: Olivier slapped her face दुछोल Ex: The sector continues to face problems देहकोष Ex: He turns to face Bertilak with his back to the ravine, prepared to fight. द्विसप्ताह Ex: "his face was glorified" धरातल Ex: Pregnant women may face an additional risk from cheese उ: वहां की धरातल बहुत ठीक नही है। धार्ष्ट Ex: As a result, it always presents the same face to the planet. धृष्टता Ex: Taking this formula at face value धृष्णता Ex: The Bahá'ís in Egypt also face persecution नड्वाभू Ex: Leonardo may have placed his own portrait on the Shroud as the face of Jesus. नषाना Ex: Greek and Latin letters were discovered written near the face . निपाख Ex: This means they only ever show one face to their stars नुक्कड Ex: These two rivals would later face off in the Cold War. पक्ष Ex: In the face of this criticism उ: पक्ष को साधारण भाषा में पखवाड़ा भी कहा जाता है। पक्षद्वय Ex: The satellite passes over the face of the Sun in about a second, typically. पच्छ Ex: "hitting a stutterer in the face when the weather is cloudy" पतपानी Ex: Kerala's rivers face many problems परतिसठा Ex: Yet to Abraham's face the Hittites said, "You are a great chief among us. पहलू Ex: 4/13 of the cards are tens or face cards उ: मिस्र में हशत पहलू मीनार भी मिलते हैं। पृष्ठ Ex: In 1800 Johann Schröter made observations of surface features उ: मंदिर के पृष्ठ भाग में सूर्य देव विराजमान हैं। पोँटा Ex: Olivier slapped her face प्रतिष्ठा Ex: ” Taking these claims at face value उ: प्राण प्रतिष्ठा एक असाधारण और अद्भुत कार्य है । प्रत्यक्ष मूल्य Ex: A series of scarps face southwest फलक Ex: In the face of these issues उ: भाप टरबाइन में सबसे मुख्य इसके फलक हैं। फृष्ठ Ex: In the face of international pressure फेस Ex: Agassi was happy that he did not have to face Lendl or McEnroe in the final उ: यह लाइन द्वितीय फेस में तीन ओर बढ़ाई जाएगी। बाहरि भाग Ex: Jim Brown, led the way in turning Limerick around to face the river. बाह्य अर्थ Ex: Helens' north face was displaced out at least 270 feet . भाग Ex: Different countries face different kinds of challenges . उ: इस शहर का सबसे प्रमुख भाग पंचवटी है। भागहार Ex: However, different countries face different situations . भित्त Ex: Supports new economic reforms but with a human face . भौँराना Ex: They face losses, as their toys are selling much less . भौमा Ex: If you go back, I can never show my face in the village . मढवा देना Ex: His efforts completely changed the face of his village . मानमान्यता Ex: Play begins with each player being dealt two cards face down. मुंह फेरना Ex: And finally, Iraq would face sanctions if it disobeyed any of the demands. मुख या चेहरा Ex: Only the front of its face is missing. मुखमंडल Ex: Never have I seen His Majesty's face so pale". मुखविकृति Ex: The falls face directly toward the Canadian shore. मुखाकृति Ex: In the face of this increasing opposition to Theban dominance उ: मुखाकृति सामान्य रखें। मुठभेड करना Ex: Thebes was wiped from the face of the Earth मुठभेड़ करना Ex: I think he should face those charges मुढना Ex: In the face of Germany's rising militarism, Einstein wrote and spoke for peace. मुरकाना Ex: Isis protected and raised Horus until he was old enough to face Set मू Ex: The indigenous peoples of Taiwan face economic and social barriers मूँदना Ex: The face of J. R. "Bob" Dobbs was split across the first two volumes रूपचित्र Ex: A bullet shaved his face वकअत Ex: A face effeminate वकार Ex: A face grimacing वखरुह Ex: A face grinning वसुधातल Ex: A face made वस्त्राचल, वस्त्रांत Ex: A face mafflu विपुन Ex: A face pouparde , A face that holds the child वीरवाद Ex: A friendly face वोर Ex: A laughing face व्यायुक Ex: A pleasant face व्यावृति Ex: A smiling face शिक Ex: Action will return to face शोखी Ex: Angle a face of an object made with other शोर्ष Ex: As this is done! Somebody says that is badly dressed, more neglected than usual, or not so good face he used to have संछादन Ex: Asymmetry of the face, on both sides of the face संप्रवर्त्तन Ex: At face value, depending on the direction literal, according to the proper meaning of the words सतल Ex: At first glance, his face displeases सामना करना Ex: Bestiality is written on his face सामना होना या करना Ex: bouffit face him every day, It s' gradually swells सामने होना Ex: By analogy, a wrinkled face सियादत Ex: By extension, face convulsed सीरा Ex: changed face उ: सीरा कार्यों में पाए गए विभिन्न कथाओं में प्रदर्शित कई विसंगतियों। सूरत Ex: changed face उ: सूरत ज़िला भारत के गुजरात राज्य का एक ज़िला है। हँड़ाना Ex: chapping face हँढ़ावना Ex: charbonner face someone हाइभाइ Ex: Cover your head, face हाय भाय Ex: Do not always take things at face value हावभाव Ex: Dry your hands, eyes, face हिस्सा बखरा Ex: elevation of the main face of a palace, a house हीनपक्ष Ex: Enter, spot, face the ridiculous मोहरा
As verb : रूप देना Ex: A bony face
Other : अभिमुख होना Ex: She covered her face with her hands. आगा Ex: a face that expressed a gamut of emotions आनन Ex: screw up ones face तरफ Ex: Since summer 2006, Keaton has been the new face of L'Oreal. उ: तब यहां चारों तरफ पहाड़ी इलाके हुआ करते थे। पाउडर Ex: Their names were wiped from the face of many inscriptions उ: यह पाउडर खनिज टाल्क से ही तैयार किया जाता है। मुँह Ex: Rather than the normal style of carrying the hands high to defend the face उ: इसको बनाने के लिए चौड़े मुँह वाले बर्त्तन में गर्म करना चाहिए। मुंह बनाना Ex: Mao's breathing stopped, and his face turned blue. मुकाबला करना Ex: The face of Mao Zedong मुख Ex: They were first discussed by Roderic O'Flaherty , who took them at face value. उ: अगिंरा ऋषि ब्रह्मा, के मुख से उत्पन्न हुय़े। मुहरा Ex: Chad's cities face serious difficulties of municipal infrastructure रू Ex: All of us face major problems at some point of our lives . उ: यहां से अलवर पहुंचाने के लिए टैक्सी वाले ७००-८०० रू लेते हैं। वदन Ex: A face in profile उ: कह महाशक्ति राम के वदन में हुई लीन। सम्मुख होना Ex: at first some people, he scowls, his face scowls
Face ki paribhasha : mitti ka saaancha jisamen kada, pachhua ityaadi dhaalate hain keval lnbaayi chaudai ka gunanaphal jisamen motaayi motaayi gaharaayi ya ooanchaayi ka kuchh bhi vichaar na kiya jaay vah sthaan jo kisi vastu ke niche padta ho kisi sthaan va padaarth ke ve donon chhor ya kinaare jo agale aur pichhale se bhinn hon sharir men kaaankh ke niche vah sthaan jahaaan pasaliyaaan hoti hain ek prakaar jaharila paudha jo dakshin himaa- laya, aasaama, baramaa, lnkaa, peraak aur jaava men hota hai khaat ki bunan jisapar log letate hain chaarapaayi ka vah bhaag jidhar letane men sir rahata hai kisi vastu ka vah kinaara jahaaan usaki lnbaayi ka ant hota ho sharir ka vah oopari gol aur agala bhaag jisamen muanha, aaankha, maathaa, naak aadi sammilit hai
ExamplesFace synonyms
light top mask surface air aspect visage show kisser disguise semblance features simulacrum facet dial silhouette glower clock obverse frontispiece mug seeming presentation scowl profile map frown frontal showing makeup countenance frontage physiognomy pout appearance cast grimace smirk display lineaments cheek presumption confidence boldness impertinence cover cloak audacity gall faã§ade brass chutzpah veil impudence effrontery false front facade image standing dignity self-respect reputation prestige honor social position risk confront challenge experience fight oppose take allow meet suffer encounter endure withstand brave resist accost abide contend court brook cross submit sustain brace beard stomach defy dare affront tolerate venture swallow take it take on tell off deal with run into eyeball be confronted by bit the bullet cope with fly in face of go up against grapple with make a stand square off take the bull by the horns watch stare glare overlook gaze border be turned toward front onto redecorate clad level smooth coat plaster overlay remodel veneer skin polish dress side sheathe refinish shingle Face antonyms
reality grin back behind rear personality hiding smile character humility fear manners modesty shyness truth carefulness caution lowliness ill repute surrender aid assist refuse reject avoid discontinue dodge disallow hide evade ignore shun resist give in disapprove veto retreat yield support help hold keep give up leave stop halt run withdraw wrinkle uncover strip roughen reveal lay bare Usage of Face in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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