Faded meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Faded
As noun : अरअ Ex:  the days heat faded into balminess
कुम्हलाया Ex:  She faded down the music . पनुवाँ Ex:  Woods' form faded in the second half of 1997 फीकरिया Ex:  As memories of the specific battles of World War I have faded in Australia फीका Ex:  After its close approach to the Earth, the comet faded to about 2nd magnitude. उ:   बहुत मिठाई खाने से मिठास का अनुभव सुखहीन वा फीका पड़ जाता है। विजिह्म Ex:  British control of that area faded away.
Other : उदास Ex:  Quickly and unnoticed, he faded back . म्लान Ex:  The album entered the UK album chart in the top ten but faded away quickly. विरंग Ex:  He faded in his speech all this part विवर्ण Ex:  He faded to display his friend, he was in so as not to attract attention to himself
Faded ki paribhasha : saahity men ek bhaav ka naama, jisamen bhaya, moha, krodha, lajja aadi ke kaaran naayak ya naayika ke mukh ki rng badal jaata hai 3301 niras
Faded synonyms
run-down shabby tattered worn seedy tacky threadbare dim wan tired bedraggled wasted pale dull achromatic ashen dingy indistinct lackluster murky pallid shopworn discolored etiolated lusterless not shiny washed out
Faded antonyms
intelligent fresh good nice new unused bright clear light smart colorful active brightened colored strengthened
Usage of Faded in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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