Failed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Failed
As noun : अकृतकार्य Ex:  The companys much vaunted administrative system failed totally
असफल Ex:  She failed in her obligations as a good daughter-in-law उ:   ये तीनों ही फिल्में असफल हो गयीं।
As verb : अनुत्तीर्ण Ex:  He failed in his exams due to his indolence. फेल Ex:  Chiang wrote that the Kuomintang had failed उ:   फेल की योजना महत्वाकांक्षी थी।
Other : ना Ex:  Unluckily he failed to succeed. उ:   यह तब तक स्थापित रहती है जब तक नई मंत्रिपरिषद शपथ ना ले ले। विफल Ex:  Initial investigations toward a CDA-SP-PvdA coalition failed उ:   विफल क्रोध में कहा भीम ने और नहीं कुछ पा के।
Failed ki paribhasha : jisake prayatn ka kuchh parinaam na hua ho ek prakaar ka vraksh jise bepaar bhi kahate hain
Failed synonyms
decline fall founder flounder flop blunder fold abort fizzle slip miscarry miss backslide deteriorate go down break down back wrong horse be defeated be demoted be found lacking be in vain be ruined come to naught come to nothing fall flat fall short fall through go astray go down swinging go downhill go up in smoke go wrong hit bottom hit the skids lose control lose out lose status meet with disaster miss the boat play into run aground turn out badly ignore neglect omit forget slight fault overlook blink discount disregard disappoint desert funk back out let down overpass break one's word close drop finish end crash default terminate dishonor repudiate go under defalcate overdraw be cleaned out be in arrears be taken to the cleaners become insolvent close down drop a bundle go bankrupt go belly up go broke go bust go into chapter 11 go out of business go to the wall lose big close one's doors lose one's shirt
Failed antonyms
ascend accomplish achieve gain merit obtain prosper capture complete procure rise go up succeed do well correct build develop earn reach win deliver finish remember respect attend regard pay attention commence create begin continue start bear
Usage of Failed in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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