Failure meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Failure
As noun : अकरणि Ex:  She was a failure as a teacher.
अकृतार्थता Ex:  He ascribed the failure of the project to bad communication system. अकृतार्थता Ex:  He ascribed the failure of the project to bad communication system. अनुतीर्ण Ex:  the power failure caused a refrigerator melt that was a disaster अनुत्पात्ति Ex:  He always gave a bald look after his failure in exam. अनुत्पात्ति Ex:  He always gave a bald look after his failure in exam. असफल व्यक्ति Ex:  The cause of his failure is deep-seated. असफलता Ex:  We set your failure down to your emotional upset . उ:   राष्ट्रसंघ की असफलता का प्रमुख कारण यही था। असिद्धि Ex:  After this failure he went back to travelling इनहिदाम Ex:  Combined with their failure to pacify the Transvaal इस्कात Ex:  In August she suffered from malaria and failure of the left heart ventricle. उच्छटना Ex:  Tesla died of heart failure alone in the New Yorker Hotel कालंकनी Ex:  While the government efforts were a failure खराबी Ex:  After the failure of Operation North उ:   उन ईमेल से सारे कंप्यूटर में खराबी आ जाती हैं। खिरना Ex:  The revolutionaries' failure to achieve success in these areas गिरना Ex:  Cause of death in hemorrhagic cases involved heart failure उ:   काम-विकार में गिरना यह कोई शादी का फल नहीं है। गिरावट Ex:  Despite the failure of Tannhäuser in Paris उ:   अनौपचारिक तौर पर, राष्ट्रीय मंदी उत्पादकता में गिरावट की अवधि है। चूक Ex:  Despite the film's failure at the box office उ:   पहला बाण तो चूक गया किंतु दूसरे बाण के लगते ही कैंवास धराशायी हो गया। च्योल Ex:  Untreated thalassemia Major eventually leads to death usually by heart failure ढिँगलाना Ex:  San Marino's international record was one of almost total failure दिवाला Ex:  Traditional phones are line-powered and operate during a power failure नाकामयाबी Ex:  The failure of the war aggravated discontent with the Barre regime परास्तता Ex:  1991, after the failure of the August Putsch. पायमाली Ex:  Cole Porter died of kidney failure at the age of 73 in Santa Monica पारिहारिक Ex:  If hepatic failure develops प्रभंश Ex:  The success or failure of the NEP is the subject of much debate प्रस्रंस Ex:  His great scholarly failure बागना ‡ Ex:  Prevost finally retreated upon hearing of the failure of the naval attack. बिद्दत Ex:  For his failure at Plattsburgh माघ्य Ex:  In September 1873, the failure of Jay Cooke & Co. रक्तस्त्राव Ex:  Following the 1992 failure of the Mars Observer orbiter उ:   दृष्टिपटल में प्रदाह, विलगन, रक्तस्त्राव आदि प्रमुख रोग हैं। रुरना Ex:  With Korolev's death and the failure of the first Soyuz flight in 1967 लुड़ना Ex:  All these factors contributed to a strategic failure for Pakistan in Kargil. विफलता Ex:  Following the failure of various attempts at Alexander's life उ:   यह तीसरे-पक्ष एक्सटेंशन की विफलता का कारण बना। स्खल Ex:  The film was a commercial failure हरवा ‡ Ex:  Soon after the failure of the court-packing plan हरा ‡ Ex:  Following the commercial failure of his novel The Tragic Muse हार Ex:  The previous campaign was neither a failure nor a success. उ:   लेकिन वह हार नहीं मानता। हारयष्टि Ex:  His lack of influential allies in Whitehall led to the failure of this mission. हारु Ex:  After the failure of the Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher हेगल Ex:  If you have kidney failure
Other : अपेक्षित कार्य न कर पाने की स्थिति Ex:  lets call heads a success and tails a failure असफल प्रयास Ex:  The train crashed due to failure from signal box.
Failure ki paribhasha : aadhunik naiyaayikon ke mat ke anusaar vaisheshik shaastr men saatavaaan padaarth lakava naamak rog jisamen rogi ke ang tedhe or vekaam ho jaate hai maan ya pad ki maryaada men dosh ya baadha hona vah avastha jisamen manushy ke paas apana RRin chukaane ke liye kuchh na rah jaay niboo, imali, aama, anaar ya aaanvale aadi kisi khatte phal ke ras ko gaadha karake banaaya hua ek padaarth jo atynt khatta hota hai aadhaar ya avarodh ke abhaav ke kaaran kisi chij ka ekadam oopar se niche aa jaana ek puraana pratyay jo kisi shabd ke aage lagakar kartavya, dhaaran ya snyog aadi soochit karata hai
Usage of Failure in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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