Fair meaning in hindi
As noun : अकुटिल Ex:  world fair
अकैतव Ex:  She has a fair complexion. अच्छा बनाना Ex:  I dont find that city fair at all. अच्छा Ex:  This book fair is the showcase for the budding writers. उ: वर्ष २००४ उनके लिए एक अच्छा वर्ष था। अजिह्म Ex:  She is a fair girl. अनवद्यांग Ex:  Let's go to the state fair . अनवह्वर Ex:  Are you feeling okay? Bill: Oh, fair to middling . अनागतातर्तवा Ex:  Eat your heart out! I won it fair and square . अनुकूल Ex:  She hit off the fair with a speech . उ: वीर रस के अनुकूल उनकी ब्रज भाषा में सर्वत्र ही आज के दर्शन होते हैं। अनुप्रवण Ex:  It's not fair to continue leading him on . अनुरुप Ex:  I want my fair share . अनुसाम Ex:  It's not fair to penalize her for being late . अनुहरत Ex:  Although the first books contained a fair amount of violence अपोच Ex:  Itinerant showmen traveled the fair grounds of Europe. अबक्र Ex:  Chocolates that are organic or fair trade certified carry labels accordingly. अमेघ Ex:  Jordan held free and fair parliamentary elections. अविलष्ट Ex:  The material record is closer to a fair representation of society असेचन, असेचनक Ex:  The trams are in fair condition but can be very full during rush hours. आगामि, आगामी Ex:  EPCOT is essentially a living world's fair आनुकूलिक Ex:  In 2004, 24,222 metric tons out of 7,050,000 produced worldwide were fair trade आनुलोमिक Ex:  33,991 metric tons out of 6,685,000 were fair trade आभिरामिक Ex:  A study in 2002 found that fair trade strengthened producer organizations उजिअरि Ex:  The King crushed this first rebellion and was fair in his punishment उद्धर Ex:  Funkturm Berlin is a 150 meter tall lattice radio tower at the fair area एक्जिबिशन Ex:  Vocational/technical colleges have recently seen their fair share of success. कपिशित Ex:  This results in a small bias, and they do not provide fair random numbers. खुब Ex:  It is therefore not fair to characterise him खूबसूरत Ex:  He was re-elected again in 1974 in elections that were neither free nor fair उ: यहाँ पर एक खूबसूरत बौद्ध मन्दिर है। गवरी Ex:  "the principle of free and fair election was compromised". उ: गवरी का उदभव शिव-भस्मासुर की कथा से माना जाता है। गाौरवर्ण Ex:  Among them I found a fair field full of peopleAll manner of men गुलफा़म Ex:  It was made in ink and consisted of a fair copy of the entire opera गुलरू Ex:  The fair was so successful that गोरंगी Ex:  All assessments are at 70% of fair market value. गोरड़ी Ex:  I think to a degree it's fair to say that you're a manufactured product. गोरा Ex:  Tony suggests "a fair fight" उ: इनमे चोखेर बाली, घरे बहिरे, गोरा आदि शामिल है। गोरि Ex:  "Minor" comic writers are getting a fair share of attention उ: गोरि पर्व पर हर वर्ष विशेष पूजा होति है। गोरिया Ex:  Sportsmanship is an attitude that strives for fair play गोरी Ex:  He tells that Troilus was "the fairest of the youths of Troy" with: fair hair उ: गोरी ने कहा कि वह तो अंधा किया जा चुका है। गौरवर्ण Ex:  In votes that international observers found to be generally free and fair उ: गौरवर्ण पत्नी के साथ साँवले प्रद्युम्न जी की शोभा अवर्णनीय थी। गौरांगी Ex:  When the batter hits a fair ball जलवा Ex:  Rawls gives us a model of a fair situation for making this choice ठिकठाक Ex:  Crono's mother accidentally enters the time gate at the fair before it closes तक्मीम Ex:  Koniecpolski was regarded as an honorable and fair person दहिन Ex:  A fair Hercules दैवी गति Ex:  A fair judge धर्माश्रित Ex:  A fair referee नडह Ex:  A fair retaliation नतशिर Ex:  A fair Rubens नम्र Ex:  A fair wind took us to the port उ: हिलटन होटल का स्टाफ भी काफी नम्र एवं काफी मददगार हैं। निक Ex:  Absolutely, the fair is over, the merchants have scooted निपाख Ex:  As this mind, he made him a fair निरपख Ex:  fair Feeling निरपच्छो Ex:  Fairground, public festival in a city or in a village, which generally coincides with the time of a fair निष्पक्ष Ex:  Having a fair idea of something उ: सदन के सभी वर्गों के लिए वह हमेशा सहानुभूतिपूर्ण और निष्पक्ष थे। निष्पक्ष् Ex:  Hear why Agreeing to what is fair and reasonable नुमाइश Ex:  In a fair manner उ: रोबो मण्डप में ऐसी ही मशीनों की नुमाइश की गई थी। नोनो Ex:  It also designates a traveling collection of wild animals usually leads that are fair to fair to न्याय से Ex:  It also means, in terms of Coinage, Making a weight or a fair extent in line with the standard न्यायपूर्ण Ex:  It also said that it crosses the line, the usual extent, the ordinary level and, by extension The proper degree, reasonable and fair उ: जो उससे बाहर थे, उनके लिए विषमता की स्थिति ही न्यायपूर्ण थी। न्याययुक्त Ex:  It is said that even honest Award, fair treatment, fair compensation, etc उ: पहला न्याययुक्त शासन जो सत्कार्यों पर आधारित होता है। पदर्शनी Ex:  KNOW means take a fair idea of himself, his strength, his dignity, etc पध्धर Ex:  Make an act, a formality to fill argued that reason, Doing pure precaution, the opportunity to serve in as much as is fair and reasonable परीजमाल Ex:  of both genders Who is prudent, cautious, shrewd; which has a fair sense of things पर्याप्त Ex:  Of weight that are not fair उ: सामवेद के मंत्रों के गान पर पर्याप्त साहित्य रचना हुई है। प्रश्रयो Ex:  Pay beyond fair value प्रसव्य Ex:  Red and white evening morning or evening Red and white morning, the day of the pilgrim, when the sky is red and white evening in the morning, this is usually an indication he will be fair weather प्रसादस्थ Ex:  REGULATION expressed particular the Action resolve memories entrepreneurs, workers, to reduce the items at fair value प्रह्ल Ex:  Roman law marriage Sort of a lower quality and do not produced all the effects of what was called the wedding fair प्रह्लाण Ex:  See all the sights the fair फरशा Ex:  Set the memory of a worker, putting in all items at fair value फाइन Ex:  The closing of the fair फिरंगी Ex:  The fair extent, the ability of a vessel must be determined उ: जिसका फायदा उठाकर एक फिरंगी सवार ने उसे घोड़े से गिरा दिया। फेयर Ex:  The fair inflections are good declamation उ: भारत को इसके अलावा फेयर प्ले ट्रॉफी भी मिली। बंधुरित Ex:  The fair of Beaucaire बाभ्रुक Ex:  The fair sex, the female sex, women generally बिनत Ex:  The fairground, the venue of the fair भवसिवत्त Ex:  The merchants abound in this fair In terms of Jurisprudence भाउन Ex:  The merchants had set up their tents at the fair भावई Ex:  Theater Fair, Little Theatre Jester kind, held sometimes at the fair Saint Germain, sometimes at the fair Saint-Laurent भावित्व Ex:  They say similar effect It's only fair to him भाविन्या Ex:  This fair attracts many foreign merchants भूरा Ex:  This fair is the meeting place of all the junk dealers उ: इनका रंग काला, भूरा और श्वेत का मिश्रण होता है। भोँदु Ex:  This fair lasts fifteen days महासत्य Ex:  This historian gave a fair review of the civil wars मायोभव Ex:  This judge is very fair मुंसिफाना Ex:  This property was not sold its fair value at fair value मुग्ध Ex:  This rifle is very fair उ: मुग्ध एक हिन्दी शब्द है। मुताविक Ex:  To go smoothly, go fair play, to go good game, good money, talk, act frankly, frankly, honestly मुबारक Ex:  We could see all the sights of the fair युक्तिपूर्ण Ex:  Work well thought out, well designed book, whose ideas are fair and properly ordered उ: मेधातिथि का इस विषय में मत बड़ा ही युक्तिपूर्ण प्रतीत होता है। रँगीला Ex:  , It will be fair weather it will be fine when I return home, I would never return home रँभोरु, रंभोरू Ex: and in a broader sense, Action grant a person what she wants and she gets it's fair रसात्मक Ex:  It means, figuratively, Demanding someone more than is fair or reasonable उ: उसमें प्रेम और राष्ट्रीयता की भावनाओं की बड़ी रसात्मक अभिव्यक्ति है। रुपवती Ex:  The huts of the fair रुपी Ex:  The wool mill sold well at this fair रूपवान लगड लटह लड़ह लतीफ वंदारु वफ्क वाक्यस्थ विचत्र विनमित शालीनीकरण शुचि शुतरी श्रीमत् श्लाघित श्वेतांग संतोषजनक उ: इनका प्रभाव इंग्लैंड की जनता पर संतोषजनक पड़ा। संप्रश्रित सकलदार समक्न सरीहनीय सलिंग साजगार साधुमत् सानुभाव साफ़ उ: यह एक सुंदर और साफ़ सुथरी फिल्म है। सामन्य सिधोसामान सीधा करना सीधा उ: शताब्दी एक्सप्रेस भोपाल को दिल्ली से सीधा जोडती है। सुक्रय सुम्नी सूधा सेँमुष सौँझा सौँधी स्तुषेय्य स्रवद्रंग होतब्यता होनहार उ: वाराणसी में अध्यापक होनहार शिष्य को पाकर बहुत प्रसन्न होते हैं। होवनिहार होवनिहारी
As adjective : अकालवेला Ex:  And is that free and fair trade? She asked with more than a hint of sarcasm in her voice. अचवाई Ex:  There is a fair chance of our team winning the match. अनामिल Ex:  It doesn't seem fair that Laurie is dead . अपिच्छिल Ex:  To get a fair deal in the craft market, you must bargain hard. अरेप Ex:  The Queen's health remained fair until the autumn of 1602 इद्ध Ex:  Many fair trade growers routinely earn more than this for the quality उचित Ex:  The voting was generally regarded as free and fair उ: उचित इलाज होने पर मरीज बिलकुल ठीक हो जाता है। उपावृत्त Ex:  It hosts the annual Art Forum - an international art fair ऊचित Ex:  A fair day may be interrupted with a storm, only to return to sunshine. ओचित्यपूर्ण Ex:  Free and fair national elections were held on May 17 जरफ Ex:  I like honesty and fair play. जाँ वँ Ex:  At the final night of the fair निम्मल Ex:  Employ boldly this means it is fair निश्चितार्थ Ex:  For sale at Cheap Price, Sell something far below its fair value नीरजा Ex:  Hear why Agreeing to what is fair and reasonable न्याय संगत Ex:  It also means understanding, hear something good, to have a fair idea न्यायसारिणी Ex:  It means figuratively and Require more familiarly someone that it is fair or reasonable for the rights, wages, vacations, for goods, supplies परिमार्गण Ex:  Making good, fair measures पो Ex:  Open exhibition, fair प्रत्यार्द्र Ex:  Particle borrowed from Greek, meaning Who is right, just, fair and which, used as a prefix, used to train new technical words that we do not record those who entered the use मुनासिब Ex:  We bought him a musical at the fair मौजूँ Ex:  We see a giant at the fair यथाप्रदिष्ट Ex:  We sold a lot of leathers in this fair यथार्ह Ex:  What is one thing, following fair estimate that can be made युक्तरूप Ex:  While attacking the note, make a fair and clear intonation लकालक विनिधौर्त विनिर्मल विशदप्रभ विसदद वैध ‡ शुद्घ संप्रयोजित सफो समुपयुवत सम्यक्प्रयोग सागम साधुमात्रा सारुप्य सुधौत सुन्दर उ: इन्होंने अलंकारों का सुन्दर प्रयोग किया है। सुसंनत सौँधी स्वच्छ उ: यह स्वच्छ लाल तथा गेरुआ रंग का होता है।
Other : काफी Ex:  Casino dice are legally required to be fair उ: यहाँ विद्युच्छक्ति काफी पैदा की जाती है। खरा Ex:  The fair included curio shops गौर Ex:  Helsinki has Finland's largest fair centre. उ: उनका रूप गौर वर्ण का हो गया। चिट्टा Ex:  Spain made a fair recovery during the truce न्यायोचित Ex:  It will be fair weather, frogs make great noise न्याय्य Ex:  Keep the proportion and necessary convenience, a fair relationship between one thing and another बाजार Ex:  The fair sex, sex weak, Women उ: बाजार में चार प्रकार के पनीर बिकते हैं। मेला Ex:  We must return to this part of the fair trestles उ: यह मेला भादों में होता है। साफ उ: इसके कमी का प्रभाव दिमाग पर साफ दिखता है।
Fair ki paribhasha : ek chidiya jo taalon ke kinaare rahati hai bina kisi prakaar ke dosha, kalnk ya apavaad aadi ke bilakul thik aur poora vah naayak jo ek hi vivaahit stri men anurakt ho anaaj jo braahman ya purohit aadi ko bhojanaarth diya jaata hai praarthana ya aadesh ke uttar men prashn ke nahin svikratisoochak shabd vah baat jisaka hona daivi vidhaan men nishchit ho sone aur chaaandi ka mishran ek raagini jise kuchh log shri raag ki stri maanate hain devadarshana, utsava, khela, tamaashi aadi ke liye bahut se logon ka jamaavad
ExamplesFair synonyms
civil sincere unbiased lawful proper principled generous decent objective honorable good reasonable straightforward candid legitimate equitable equal honest trustworthy clean courteous square just open frank upright moderate nonpartisan aboveboard benevolent blameless disinterested dispassionate even-handed on the level pious praiseworthy respectable righteous scrupulous temperate virtuous uncorrupted on up-and-up uncolored neutral pale pearly faded argent blond blanched white sallow blonde chalky colorless creamy milky pallid snowy fair-haired bleached fair-skinned flaxen-haired pale-faced silvery tow-haired tow-headed whitish adequate medium okay average middling commonplace intermediate ordinary mean all right indifferent passable so-so tolerable usual fairish not bad pretty good up to standard attractive dainty lovely charming enchanting bonny chaste comely delicate exquisite good-looking handsome pure beauteous pulchritudinous clear favorable calm dry fine clarion balmy clement mild placid pleasant sunny tranquil rainless unclouded smiling sunshiny undarkened unthreatening exhibit pageant show festival gala bazaar display market celebration observance fete exhibition spectacle occasion centennial Fair antonyms
impolite unkind dishonest untrustworthy biased subjective illegal illegitimate unlawful unsuitable intolerable unfair unreliable deceitful unjust lying disproportionate repulsive cloudy stormy rude tricky prejudiced misbehaving mean partial unvirtuous unreasonable devious unequitable decided dark ugly inclement rainy colorful black darkened brunette colored insufficient inadequate abnormal extraordinary unusual infrequent unfit extreme exceptional rare uncommon noble repellent concealment hiding Usage of Fair in sentences
The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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