Fall meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fall
As noun : अँटना Ex:  Every morning she fall prostrate in worship of Lord Rama.
अंकुरना Ex:  There has been unseasonal flurry of snow fall in this area. अंगम Ex:  The fall of a school bus into the river was a great tragedy for the.
whole nation.
अथवनापु Ex:  The fall of the currupt system is certain. अधहपतन Ex:  in the fall of 1973 अधहपात Ex:  Troops fall in! अभ्यवस्कंद Ex:  The momentum of his fall took both of them down too. आना Ex:  we had fall out after marriage उ:   देश विदेश के पर्यटक के लिए होली पर बरसाना आना एक अलग आकर्षण है। आर्ति Ex:  The spa fall was very beautiful. आवना Ex:  He fall off a ladder. इनहिदाम Ex:  The fall of Indian hockey team was very disappointing. इस्कात Ex:  I have my parents to fall back on. उच्छटना Ex:  The fall of the Berlin Wall ushered in the post-Cold War period उतरना Ex:  the fall broke his back उद्गगम Ex:  Northern India and Pakistan fall in the same time zone. उपमर्द Ex:  I hate for someone to fall all over me . उफताद Ex:  Please don't fall behind with your payments . उलट जाना Ex:  I won't fall behind again . उलाथना Ex:  Slow down or you will fall down—head over heels . ऊआनापु Ex:  John is too young to really fall in love . ऊगर Ex:  Hungry students fall into line very quickly . ऊषरना Ex:  Bill's behavior began to fall in line . ऐकध्य Ex:  I just can't seem to fall into step . कठठना Ex:  Mary is slated to go to Washington in the fall . कम पड़ना Ex:  Wilbur wouldn't take a fall . कम होना Ex:  I took up skiing last fall . कालंकनी Ex:  Lily is up for reelection this fall . कालधर्म Ex:  After the fall of the Soviet Union के हिस्से में आना Ex:  After the fall of socialism कोँपना Ex:  He still hoped that the tenuous Nationalist government would fall क्षयसंपद् Ex:  'the long rains' which fall during April and May खड़े होना Ex:  North Carolina offers fall colors खपति Ex:  Following the fall of Nazi Germany खय Ex:  After the fall of the Roman empire the city was conquered by the Lombards खराब होना Ex:  Following the fall of Rome, Europe lacked a large and animal rich circus. खिरना Ex:  The word "Frank" had been loosely used from the fall of Rome to the Middle Ages गलकंबल Ex:  On the same day as the fall of Faya गिर पड़ना Ex:  Since the day after the fall of the town गिरना Ex:  50 BMG, and therefore do not fall under many of the same legal prohibitions. उ:   गिरना नदी, नासिक, मालेगांव एवं जलगांव जिले। गिराव Ex:  One is geodetic precession: for a gyroscope in free fall in curved spacetime गिरावट Ex:  With the fall of the Russian Empire उ:   गरीबी की दर में तेज गिरावट के परिणाम के रूप में रहने के मानकों बढ़ती। गेहराई Ex:  When touring from the fall of 1979 through the spring of 1980 ग्रस्त होना Ex:  In the fall of 1980 Dylan briefly resumed touring घटना Ex:  After the fall of the Roman Empire उ:   इसके बाद की घटना तो जगप्रसिद्ध ही है। चषति Ex:  After the fall of communism in Mongolia in 1990 च्योल Ex:  With the fall of the Qing Dynasty छकार Ex:  After the fall of Bari छा जाना Ex:  Most yeasted preferments fall into one of three categories: poolish or pouliche छाना Ex:  The leaves fall before the seeds are mature. छाबना Ex:  Following the fall of the Iraqi regime छिबना Ex:  They photographed the fall of Sebastopol in September 1855 जलजंत्र Ex:  Since the fall of the Iron Curtain जलदक्षय Ex:  After its fall at the beginning of the 13th century झँफान Ex:  In the years preceding the fall of the Qing Dynasty झड़ना Ex:  Just before the fall of France झरना Ex:  This resulted in an Italian victory and the fall of Worq Amba. उ:   यहाँ चंद्रा नदी के उस तरफ एक सुन्दर झरना भी है। झराँ Ex:  With the fall of France in 1940 during World War II झर्ना Ex:  All consonants in the English language fall into this category. झालर Ex:  During the summer and fall of 1941 झुकना Ex:  This could be compared with the 80s before the fall of the Soviet Union टोपी आदि के पीछे से लटकता कपड़ा Ex:  The latter fall into two groups: two P-Celtic languages ढलान Ex:  Despite a fall in actual numbers उ:   धीरे-धीरे उनका करियर ढलान पर आने लगा। ढलाव Ex:  The ruble went into free fall as Russians sought frantically to buy dollars. उ:   पहाड़ी के चतुर्दिक ढलाव पर उसके नीचे नंदगाँव की बस्ती है। ढलू होना Ex:  After the fall of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the demise of the Three Kingdoms ढहना Ex:  130 to 150 km north of the Swan Islands, fall within the EEZ of Honduras. ढिँगलाना Ex:  Even after the fall of the Roman state ढोकना Ex:  In the fall New Hampshire is host to the New Hampshire Highland Games. तोयदात्यय Ex:  After the fall of the Durrani Empire in 1818 दहवाट Ex:  Following the fall of the Timurid Empire, Uzbek nomads conquered the region. दुपकना Ex:  After the fall of the Armenian kingdom in 428 AD धस जानाना Ex:  Following the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte धिमा होना Ex:  Beethoven considered leaving Vienna: in the fall of 1808 धूरधानी Ex:  In 1990 after the fall of the Iron Curtain धूलधानी Ex:  The claim was abandoned after the fall of Nazi Germany in 1945. Although coal ध्रुवना Ex:  The elapsed time since fall नठनापु Ex:  At the beginning of the fall and spring terms नमस् Ex:  They all involve a fall नष्ट होना Ex:  After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 निकलना Ex:  With the fall of the Gupta dynasty निखूटनापु Ex:  After the fall of Ayutthaya to the Burmese Kingdom in 1767 नीचे गिरना Ex:  This all ended when the Asian Financial Crisis hit in the fall of 1997 पछाड़ खाना Ex:  Harper announced that in the fall of 2006 पड़नाअना Ex:  Harmonics played on the cello fall into two classes पणास Ex:  After the fall of Napoleon पतन होना Ex:  Following the fall of the Roman Empire in the west पतन Ex:  After the fall of Rome उ:   ‘आज मानव समाज अपने पतन के लिए खुद जिम्‍मेदार है। पत्थरपानी Ex:  After the fall of Napoleon पदावनत होना Ex:  The Confederates besieged Chattanooga in early fall 1863 पराजय Ex:  With the fall of the Soviet Union उ:   युद्ध में रुस की पराजय हुई। पराजै Ex:  The central piedmont extends from the foothills to the fall line परास्त होना Ex:  After the fall of the Western Roman Empire परास्तता Ex:  Five of them fall within the electoral district Unterland पर्यावर्त Ex:  After the fall of Tahuantinsuyu पहुं़चना Ex:  After the fall of Rome पासरणा Ex:  Since the fall of the Soviet Union, wolf hunting has decreased in profit. पीला पड़ना Ex:  16 of which fall within the former municipio of Rio Piedras. पुनरागम,नरागमन Ex:  Following the fall of Marcos Pérez Jiménez in 1958 प्रच्चय Ex:  After the fall of the communist regime in Poland in 1989 प्रच्यवन Ex:  After the fall of the Temple प्रणाशन Ex:  With the fall of the Jerusalem, they disappeared from history. प्रपतन Ex:  After the fall of the Soviet Union प्रपतन Ex:  After the fall of the Soviet Union प्रभंश Ex:  Late summer and early fall are sunny. प्रभंश Ex:  Late summer and early fall are sunny. प्रमय Ex:  The fall line was an important early source of water power. प्रमय Ex:  The fall line was an important early source of water power. प्रस्रंस Ex:  Others argue that both explanations fall short प्रहीण Ex:  While many drugs clearly fall into the category of either Stimulant प्रावृड़त्यय Ex:  The fall of the kingdom of Kandy in 1815 unified the island under British rule. फदाना Ex:  Heyward sold the story rights to Porgy in the fall of 1932 to Al Jolson फीटना Ex:  It went on the road again in the fall of 1954 to Latin America बरबाद होना Ex:  The NBC concerts continued in Studio 8-H until the fall of 1950 बरसना Ex:  Those divisions were: All of the above but Synapsida fall under Sauropsida. बागना ‡ Ex:  They fall into four groups: For some confessions listed under category 2 बिधंस Ex:  Throughout the year but especially in the fall and winter बिनशना Ex:  Chants sometimes fall into melodically related groups. भिहिलाना ‡ Ex:  Since the fall of the USSR in 1991 भ्रंश, भ्रंस Ex:  After the fall of the Mognolian Empire भ्रंशन, भ्रंसन Ex:  All these cycles fall within the Quaternary glacial period. भ्रंशन, भ्रंसन Ex:  All these cycles fall within the Quaternary glacial period. मंनना ‡ Ex:  Several works by Josquin fall loosely into this category मत से उतरना Ex:  With the fall of communism and the start of the break-up of Yugoslavia मानना Ex:  In the fall of 1979, Armstrong was working at his farm near Lebanon, Ohio. उ:   कुछ लोगों का मानना है कि इसकी एक राष्ट्रवादी वजह थी। मुशरब Ex:  During the 2006 fall semester मूठना Ex:  The Corps welcomed female members in the fall of 1974 and as of fall 2007 रक्तस्त्राव Ex:  After the fall of Attila उ:   इनसे रक्तस्त्राव नहीं होता। रुमझुमाना Ex:  After the fall of Odoacer in 493 रुरना Ex:  After the fall of Rome लगना Ex:  After the fall of the Soviet Union लड़खड़ा कर गिरना Ex:  Six months after the fall of Khartoum लरकनी Ex:  Nasher Museum of Art opened in the fall of 2005 लुड़ना Ex:  Hattin and the fall of Jerusalem prompted the Third Crusade वकूआ Ex:  Since the fall of the Berlin Wall वरमना Ex:  In the late summer and the fall वस्त्रपेशा Ex:  Since the fall of the Soviet Union वाकया Ex:  Due to the rebellion of José Tomás Boves in 1814 and the fall of the republic वारिप्रवाह Ex:  After the fall of Silla in the 10th century, the Gukhak closed. वाहस Ex:  The fall of the Berlin wall paved the way for German reunification विणठना Ex:  Fifteen years after the fall विणसना Ex:  Fragile after the fall of Rome विणास Ex:  Ann's, Maraval, and Diego Martin fall outside the municipal boundary विद्रुति Ex:  After the fall of Constantinople to the Crusaders विनाश Ex:  Ogham was first invented soon after the fall of the Tower of Babel उ:   शैव धर्म में, भैरव शिव के विनाश से जुड़ा एक उग्र अवतार हैं। विनिः सरण Ex:  The historical views of this battle fall into three great phases विप्रणाश Ex:  They survived the fall विस्त्रंस Ex:  For many centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire in the West विस्त्रंस Ex:  For many centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire in the West विस्रंसन Ex:  Xu Shen estimated that 13% of characters fall into this category. विहाँणी Ex:  See: Many practices fall in the category of adab, or Islamic etiquette. वुकूअ Ex:  The forested sections fall into three major climatic zones. वुरूद Ex:  Temperatures are hot in the day but fall dramatically at night. वेवटना Ex:  After the fall of France in June 1940 वैशस Ex:  With the end of the war and the fall of Ottoman government व्यपनय Ex:  After the fall of Poland came a period journalists called the "Phoney War". व्यापद् Ex:  Finally in the fall of 1962 व्युच्छित्ति Ex:  Released in the fall of 1973 व्युदास Ex:  The elapsed time since fall शक्तिपात Ex:  After the fall of Constantinople in 1453 उ:   अन्योऽपि कंश्चनजनः शिव शक्तिपात सम्त्रेरणा परवशस्वकंशाक्तिसार्थः। शरत्कालीन Ex:  � �It is autumn,� said Sue, �and the leaves will fall . शरद ऋतु Ex:  A small parts that fall from the bread when it is cut, or remain where we ate शरदृतु Ex:  After the fall of the curtain, several voices have asked the author श्चोत, श्चोतन, श्च्योत, श्च्योतन Ex:  As he fell, he dragged me in its fall सँहरना Ex:  By extension, in colloquial language, To fall means or simply fall संलयन Ex:  By extension, this hat can not enter, does not fall well in the head, the head can not enter, not much in between this hat उ:   केन्द्र के बाहर की एक परत में हाइड्रोजन से हीलियम का संलयन जारी है। संवृत्ति Ex:  By extension, this hat can not enter, does not fall well in the head, the head can not enter, not much in between this hat सतित्व खोना Ex:  Fall flowers or season this fall सन्निवेश Ex:  fall from his hopes समर्पन करना Ex:  fall from his rank, his position समागमन Ex:  fall from its reputation समाय Ex:  fall prey to his passions समुज्जृंभण Ex:  Falling horse, make a horse fall समुन्नय Ex:  Falling of its height, is said a person who, while standing, just to fall from its long समुपस्था, समुपस्थान Ex:  Giving in a ridiculous, Y fall सर्वांत Ex:  Go with the swallows, Moving to fall सल्ब Ex:  God had marked the day of their fall सहमत होना Ex:  ground, ground say they are speaking of things that fall or thrown, though it is in a room on a floor, on a carpet साति Ex:  He died following a fall सादनी Ex:  He promised, with an air of compunction, not to fall into this error सेँलोटना Ex:  He still called What does not fall under the senses सेझा Ex:  I saw a star fall स्खल Ex:  In his fall he broke his skull स्खल Ex:  In his fall he broke his skull स्रस Ex:  in the long errors fall and the truth floats हति Ex:  is to say that He has finished grow without having yet begun to fall हलाक Ex:  It has fallen from its high and made a heavy fall हलाकत Ex:  It is a happy fall
As verb : अंकूलना Ex:  Due to sudden fall in share prices, the market has been in a flat spin throughout the day. उज्जना Ex:  I rocked the cot for the infant to fall asleep. त्रीघटना Ex:  Following the fall of the Soviet Union निखूटनापु Ex:  After the fall of Ayutthaya to the Burmese Kingdom in 1767 निरथाना Ex:  Following the fall of the Sassanid Empire in 651 लालच में आना Ex:  After the fall of Pretoria संवृत्ति Ex:  By extension, this hat can not enter, does not fall well in the head, the head can not enter, not much in between this hat सकुचना Ex:  FALL also means fall from reputation, credit, losing its popularity सज्जकर्म Ex:  fall Falling means even after rising समासादन Ex:  fall says figuratively losses, damages, blame, etc समुत्पत्ति Ex:  Falling Leaves , the season when the leaves fall होना Ex:  It is also intransitive meaning and become worse, fall in worse condition उ:   राजा होना उनका जन्मसिद्ध अधिकार था।
As intransitive verb : पड़ना
Other : अस्त Ex:  Because of earth's gravitational force,things always fall down. उ:   यह कदम जमींदारी प्रथा के अस्त की दिशा में प्रथम चरण कहा जा सकता है। उतार Ex:  Due to the fall two of his vertebrae are broken. उ:   देश भक्ति गांनो को बिना गाए ही पारंपरिक धुन में उतार दिया जाता है। झप Ex:  The fall of Paris shocked American opinion ढालू होना Ex:  I've been familiar with the fall of the Latin Kingdom for thirty-odd years". तनज्जुली Ex:  The fall foliage peaks in mid October. निर्झर Ex:  After the fall of Smolensk पटक Ex:  Through the fall of 1991 पटकनी Ex:  500 hPa temperatures can fall as low as -30 °C पतझड़ Ex:  After the fall of the Communist government in Albania उ:   इस प्रदेश में पतझड़ वाले वृक्ष पाये जाते हैं। पराजित होना Ex:  After the fall of Tashkent to General Cherniaev in 1865 पात Ex:  From around the time of the fall of the Khmer empire उ:   पात सानो र २ देखि १० मि. मि. लामो हुन्छ। बिगड़ना Ex:  After the fall of the Roman Empire भ्रष्ट होना Ex:  The Beirut Marathon is held every fall मंद होना Ex:  In midsummer, the fall of Warsaw seemed certain मन्द होना Ex:  The standoff continued throughout the fall and winter.
Fall ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka pakaavaan jise jhalara bhi kahate hai lohe ya pital aadi ki bani hui ek prakaar ki chhalani jisamen lnbe lnbe chhed hote hain aur jisamen rakhakar samucha anaaj chhaana jaata hai do padaarthon ka tal aapas men milana udta hua ya udnevaala kisi padaarth ke goon ya roop aadi men aisa vikaar hona jisase usaki upayogita ghat jaay ya nasht ho jaay kisi ko poojya, aadaraniy ya yogy samajhana aakaash se jal ki booandon ka nirntar girana koi baaj jo ho jaay pradhaan sattaarthak kriya aadhaar ya avarodh ke abhaav ke kaaran kisi chij ka ekadam oopar se niche aa jaana
Fall synonyms
decline plunge spill drop slump recession reduction decrease dip slope plummet incline declivity tumble dive slant ebb lessening header abatement cut slip diminution downgrade lapse belly flop dwindling pratfall downward slope falling off nose dive loss disaster downfall failure collapse breakdown death humiliation degradation abasement capitulation resignation ruin destruction crash dwindle stumble settle sink diminish go down depreciate land wane pitch trip droop buckle subside backslide totter topple gravitate trail drag spin relapse recede flag cascade regress keel over be precipitated break down cave in drop down fold up hit the dirt nose-dive take a header tip over die submit perish yield bend succumb capitulate obey back down give in go under give up be casualty be destroyed be killed be lost be taken defer to eat dirt fall to pieces give way lie down pass into enemy hands occur chance arrive befall come about take place come to pass
Fall antonyms
increase enlargement evenness perfection success rise ascent level climb scaling accomplishment achievement win fighting building elevation development growth construction creation ascend compliment praise attain overcome overthrow go up expand extend lose strengthen progress scale advance reach disobey
Usage of Fall in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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