Fall to meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fall to
As noun : कर्तव्य होना Ex:  I would fall to weaving a network of dreams: the mountains
प्रारम्भ करना Ex:  He hopes that the prize shall fall to him
As verb : आरंभना Ex:  Europe's share will fall to 7% in 2050, numbering 653 million. जल्दबाजी में प्रारम्भ करना Ex:  Cardiac output and blood pressure may fall to dangerous levels शुरू करना Ex:  I fall to your knees हार जाना Ex:  It is, by extension, speaking of the Light, and means Head towards, fall to
Fall to synonyms
begin buckle down commence pitch in start undertake apply oneself to be up to jump in wade into
Fall to antonyms
ignore laze forget neglect be idle
Usage of Fall to in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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