Falls meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Falls
As noun : अंबुपदधिति Ex:  Water falls with a sloshing sound in a container when dropped form a hight.
खिरना Ex:  Niagara falls can be seen from both Canada and the U.S.A.. जलजंत्र Ex:  The snowflake melts as it falls on the ground. जलप्रपात Ex:  He meets and falls in love with a girl named Fenchurch उ:   रेणुका नदी पर रकशगंडा जलप्रपात है। झरना Ex:  Colour-production falls into distinct classes: biochromes, schemochromes. उ:   महाबळेश्वर के पास ही यह झरना है। झर्ना Ex:  Ships appoaching the Bouvet Island falls within the UTC Z time zone. प्रच्यवन Ex:  Springs are short, while falls are long. मुशरब Ex:  Link falls into a crevasse and arrives in a country called . वारिप्रवाह Ex:  Hail occasionally falls in Riyadh during winters. वाहस Ex:  John Milton in his Comus falls into this group. सेझा Ex:  The town of Livingstone, near the falls is named after him.
Falls ki paribhasha : kisi nadi aadi ka ooanche pahaad par se niche sthaan par girana lohe ya pital aadi ki bani hui ek prakaar ki chhalani jisamen lnbe lnbe chhed hote hain aur jisamen rakhakar samucha anaaj chhaana jaata hai
Falls synonyms
decline plunge spill drop slump recession reduction decrease dip slope plummet incline declivity tumble dive slant ebb lessening header abatement cut slip diminution downgrade lapse belly flop dwindling pratfall downward slope falling off nose dive loss disaster downfall failure collapse breakdown death humiliation degradation abasement capitulation resignation ruin destruction crash dwindle stumble settle sink diminish go down depreciate land wane pitch trip droop buckle subside backslide totter topple gravitate trail drag spin relapse recede flag cascade regress keel over be precipitated break down cave in drop down fold up hit the dirt nose-dive take a header tip over die submit perish yield bend succumb capitulate obey back down give in go under give up be casualty be destroyed be killed be lost be taken defer to eat dirt fall to pieces give way lie down pass into enemy hands occur chance arrive befall come about take place come to pass
Falls antonyms
increase enlargement evenness perfection success rise ascent level climb scaling accomplishment achievement win fighting building elevation development growth construction creation ascend compliment praise attain overcome overthrow go up expand extend lose strengthen progress scale advance reach disobey
Usage of Falls in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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