Falsely meaning in hindi
As noun : गलत ढंग से Ex:  Communism falsely claims a share in the Socialist tradition.
As adverb :
झूठ मूठ Ex:  Laws guaranteeing civil rights may be written down,or falsely stated
Other : कपट से Ex:  He was falsely charged with causing an affray. झूठमूठ Ex:  In 2006, three lacrosse team members were falsely accused of rape झूठों Ex:  Acting falsely मृषा Ex:  being accused falsely
ExamplesFalsely synonyms
treacherously unscrupulously maliciously basely crookedly dishonestly dishonorably disloyally faithlessly falseheartedly malevolently perfidiously roguishly traitorously underhandedly unfaithfully behind one's back Falsely antonyms
truthfully honestly Usage of Falsely in sentences
The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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