Faltering meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Faltering
As noun : डगमग Ex:  To aid faltering industries
डगमगाता Ex:  His fortune is still faltering उ:   डगमगाता हुआ घर बिगडऩे से बच गया। लड़खड़ाता हुआ हिचक हिचकिच हिचकिची
As verb : लड़खढ़ाता हुआ विचलित उ:   सिपाहियों का यह दावा था कि वे युद्ध से कभी विचलित नहीं हुए।
Other : लटपटा Ex:  It means figuratively Who is uncertain, irresolute, faltering हिचकिचाता हुआ हिचकिचाहट
Faltering ki paribhasha : pratigya ya snkalp se hata hua kisi kaam ke karane men vah rukaavat jo man men maaloom ho
Faltering synonyms
reel flounder hesitate waver wobble totter fluff vacillate halt teeter stammer rock quaver lurch scruple break fluctuate stagger shake topple tremble roll hem and haw bobble be undecided drop the ball speak haltingly stub toe trip up whiffle
Faltering antonyms
remain stabilize calm persist stay steady hold continue endure maintain
Usage of Faltering in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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