Fanatic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fanatic
As noun : अति उत्साही Ex:  A fanatic is one who cant change his mind and wont change the subject
उन्मादी Ex:  In his new role he became something of a "a fanatic of example" कट्टर Ex:  be a fanatic doctrine, a book उ:   बाद में वे साम्यवादियों के कट्टर शत्रु बन गए थे। कट्टरपंथी Ex:  It can not be fanatic without being intolerant उ:   यह एक कट्टरपंथी साम्यवादी था। धर्मांध Ex:  substantively, A fanatic of ancient art धर्मान्ध धर्मोन्मत्त मतांध मुतअस्सिब
Fanatic ki paribhasha : bina uchit anuchit ke vichaar ke kisi ke anukool pravratt honevaala saty asatya, uchit anuchit ka vichaar chhodkar apani baat par jame rahana
Fanatic synonyms
devotee bigot freak maniac radical nut visionary extremist zealot addict fiend militant fool crazy demon crank bug activist monomaniac ultraist
Fanatic antonyms
conservative moderate
Usage of Fanatic in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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