Fantasy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fantasy
As noun : उड़ियाँना Ex:  a schoolgirl fantasy
उदभाव Ex:  I acted out an old fantasy onstage . कल्पना Ex:  Ciruelo is a world-wide famous fantasy artist and sculptor. उ:   इसकी कल्पना अति प्राचीन है। कोरी कल्पना Ex:  He became a well-known author in the science fiction and fantasy genres ख्वाब Ex:  Kitase knew he wanted a thematic combination of fantasy and realism. उ:   इस ख्वाब को पूरा करने के लिए वह रंगमंच से जुड़े। तखय्यल Ex:  Rowling enjoyed writing fantasy stories, which she often read to her sister. तसव्वुर Ex:  Melanie Rawn's fantasy novel तृष्णा Ex:  Set in the fantasy world of Spira उ:   संसार के विषयों के प्रति जो तृष्णा है वही समुदय आर्यसत्य है। दिवास्वप्न Ex:  He liked stories about "Red Indians" and the fantasy works by George MacDonald. प्रेप्सा Ex:  Dial a fantasy for piano बुद्धिविलास Ex:  Do not put yourself in this fantasy समालोक Ex:  It also means the typographical characters used for work and who are opposed to fantasy characters सुप्तविज्ञान Ex:  Menus pleasures, amusements and fantasy Expenses स्वैर कल्पना Ex:  ORNEMENT expressed particular in terms of Art, fantasy figures, like finials, rosettes, festoons, as various arts and crafts use as embellishments स्वैरकल्पना Ex:  remove it from your fantasy उ:   स्वैरकल्पना अटकल कपोलकल्पना की एक उपविधा है।
Fantasy ki paribhasha : vah manovratti jisake anusaar kisi vastu ya vyakti aadi ke snbndh men yah ichchha hoti hai ki vah sada hamaare paas ya hamaare saath rahe, usaki vraddhi, unnati ya hit hi athava ham usaka bhog karen praapti ke liye aakul karanevaali ichchha kisi chij ya baat ko kuchh ka kuchh samajhana mithya vyavahaar jisase doosare ke man men mithya pratiti utpann ho
Fantasy synonyms
reverie nightmare delusion fancy illusion vision mirage invention chimera trip rainbow creativity originality bubble flight apparition figment fabrication vagary daydream appearance utopia imaginativeness hallucination head trip imagining conceiving fancying objectifying atlantis envisioning fairyland externalizing fantasia air castle flight of imagination mind trip fool's paradise
Fantasy antonyms
actuality reality certainty fact truth
Usage of Fantasy in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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