Far cry meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Far cry
As noun : एकदम अलग
पर्याप्त दूरी बहुत दूर
Far cry synonyms
divergence variation disparity miscalculation error distinction difference inconsistency discordance dissonance incongruity divergency unlikeness split contrariety variance dissimilarity dissimilitude dissemblance otherness alterity contrasting diverse various discordant divergent contrary discrepant distant incommensurate incompatible inconsistent separate unequal uneven at variance inconsonant like night and day poles apart unalike unequivalent unsimilar objection disunity resistance dissension schism protest opposition strife flak denial contention disaccord refusal dissidence hassle spat heresy nonconformity conflict bone of contention nope heterodoxy unorthodoxy nonconformism clinker bone to pick misbelief nonagreement nonconcurrence sour note antithetical offbeat contradictory different heterogeneous individual opposite unique unrelated weird antonymous march to a different drummer mismatched mismated not similar singular peculiar extraordinary special original idiosyncratic cool characteristic diagnostic discrete distinguishing excellent gnarly outstanding perfect proper single superior typical uncommon unreal wicked diacritic unusual strange innovative odd avant-garde now contemporary recent atypical fresh funky modernistic newfangled rare unfamiliar at cutting edge breaking new ground just out neoteric new-fashioned
Far cry antonyms
accord sameness similarity alikeness concordance concurrence parity agreement consistency harmony agreeing uniform equal orthodoxy authorization endorsement ratification acceptance approval peace conformity sanction compatible matched related usual commonplace resembling standard normal ordinary regular future customary overused worn familiar old past
Usage of Far cry in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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