Far meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Far
As noun : अंतित Ex:  His report was far fetched.
अत Ex:  On the far side of the deserted street was the man with the umbrella. उ:   अत में पाश्चरने इस समस्या का हल निकाल लिया। अति Ex:  its a far cry from here उ:   यह भारत का अति प्राचीन नगर है। अत्त Ex:  she was by far the smartest student अत्य Ex:  You seem too far away. अत्यन्त Ex:  His accomplishments go far उ:   यह पर्यटकों के लिए अत्यन्त आकर्षक केन्द्र है। अधिक दूर Ex:  So far the world hasnt had another hockey player a la Dhyanchand .
As adjective : अनेड़ा Ex:  The chief of Gujrat Mr. Narendra Modi is definitely a man of standing so far as Indian Politics is concerned. अलग्ग Ex:  Murali has fallen far behind his schedule. आरात् Ex:  Her cancer has far gone. उरेपु Ex:  He is far away from that. ओलग Ex:  He lives in a far off place. दरकिनार Ex:  As far as Morley's own research is concerned दूर Ex:  As far as the Falkland Islands Government and people are concerned उ:   दूर - दूर तक उसका साम्राज्य फैला था । फरके Ex:  Houses throughout the region were built far sturdier फरक्क ‡ Ex:  While far from being as popular as football बीकट Ex:  The Frankfurt Stock Exchange is by far Germany's largest विस्तुर Ex:  The primary draws more attention by far than all other primaries
As adverb : अंदधुंध Ex:  So far he hasnt called अगाधा Ex:  He used far fetched imageries in his poetry. अनगन० Ex:  Strong crosswinds blew her umbrella far away. अबेश Ex:  She stood at the far end of the street. अमाम Ex:  The strong winds blew the ketch away far into the sea. अमोगाँ Ex:  My school reaches as far as the railway line. अल्पेतर Ex:  Houses on this road are few and far between. उर्वरित Ex:  He visited far away places. घने Ex:  The party went on far into the night . उ:   आयोनियन द्वीप बहुत ही घने बसे हुए हैं। घनेरे Ex:  Smaller waves were recorded on tidal gauges as far away as the English Channel. जाजा Ex:  Bronze objects were then exported far and wide, and supported the trade. तक Ex:  Known to have been played as far back as prehistoric times उ:   यहां से कोहिमा तक पहुंचना काफी आसान है। दुर Ex:  So far no dialect appears to be accepted as a standard. उ:   यह गाव चूरू से ४५ किमी दुर हे। दूर पर Ex:  Perkins has said, "t is far too long on each side. धकाधक Ex:  Makuria is by far the best-known kingdom of Christian Nubia बढकर Ex:  Climate ranges from equatorial in the far south उ:   मानसून में इस झील का क्षेत्रफल बढकर १०.५ वर्ग किमी हो जाता है। बहीय Ex:  Bethel is far removed from the Alaska road system बहुत Ex:  The Soviet mines tended to be far simpler internally उ:   यह बहुत ही उग्र नदी है। बहुत्त Ex:  As far as is known, no minutes of the Smith-Mugabe meeting were kept. बहुमुख Ex:  But his magisterium was far larger and is difficult to summarize. बहोत Ex:  The language predominates along the Niger River in the far north बोहला Ex:  Wales is closely but far from completely बोहोत Ex:  As far as I can make out, there is nothing more for me here. बौत Ex:  The Serbian Orthodox community is by far the largest, with 1,429,170 adherents. बढ़कर Ex:  In the popular imagination, the movement thus became linked to the far right. भूयः Ex:  The name Dnieper is derived from Sarmatian Dānu apara "the river far away". भूरिशः Ex:  HAART sometimes achieves far less than optimal results विस्तरता Ex:  Even the British colonists were far from wealthy. स्फिर Ex:  It was by far the longest railway ever constructed at the time. हरचंद Ex:  London was by far the largest city in Britain हलब्बी ‡ Ex:  This is far from settled, and occasionally resurfaces in Israeli politics.
Other : बहुत दूर Ex:  Areas Covered so far are Panjim
Far ki paribhasha : vah alnkaar jisamain aadhey ko aadhaar se adhikavarnan karate hai ek vibhakti jo kisi vastu ya vyaapaar ki sima athava avadhi soochit karati hai moti ka vah latakan jo naak men pahana jaata hai desha, kaal ya snbndh aadi ke vichaar se bahut antar par jo parimaan men alp ya nyoon na ho
Far synonyms
distant deep long bit piece remote afar far-flung far-off faraway out-of-the-way outlying removed ways miles a good way a long way end of rainbow far piece far-removed good ways middle of nowhere stone's throw much well somewhat decidedly extremely greatly incomparably notably quite very significantly very much
Usage of Far in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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