Farce meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Farce
As noun : तमाशा Ex:  A hilarious farce उ:   तमाशा महाराष्ट्र का प्रसिध्द लोकनाटक है।
तमास Ex:  A joke, a farce art student says a joke where there are good mood, fantasy, Youth नाचकूद Ex:  It came to a farce, a pleasant farce प्रहसन Ex:  It's about a workshop, a workshop farce उ:   इसमें नृत्य के साथ प्रहसन भी होता है।
Other : नकल Ex:  His joy, his pain, his interest pretended to bring to your business is only a farce उ:   इसलिए उन्होंने अन्धी नकल के खिलाफ वैकल्पिक चिन्तन पर जोर दिया। स्वाँग Ex:  Playing a comedy, a tragedy, a farce उ:   अतः अवस्थानुरुप अनुकरण या स्वाँग का नाम ही अभिनय है। स्वांग Ex:  Pull the curtain, the farce is played, It is done उ:   भांडों द्वारा किये प्रदर्शन को कभी-कभी स्वांग कहा जाता है।
Farce ki paribhasha : vah jo sachchaa, khara ya asal na ho balki asal ko dekhakar roopa, rnga, aakrati aadi men usi ke anusaar banaaya gaya ho kratrim ya banaavati vesh jo apana roop chhipaane athava doosare ka roop banaane ke liye dhaaran kiya jaay vah ddashy jise dekhane se manornjan ho
Farce synonyms
comedy mockery joke skit burlesque caricature sham travesty slapstick absurdity parody play horseplay camp interlude ridiculousness buffoonery broad comedy high camp low camp pratfall comedy
Farce antonyms
solemnity sobriety tragedy seriousness
Usage of Farce in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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