Farewell meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Farewell
As noun : बिदा का प्रणाम Ex:  Students intermingle in the farewell party.
बिदाई Ex:  Baden-Powell gave his farewell to Scouting उ:   रोते रोते भूवन और गांव के लोगों से उस्ने बिदाई ली। विदाई Ex:  The ambassador had, took his farewell audience उ:   अभ्यागतों की विदाई दी गई। स्वस्ति Ex:  To say a sad farewell उ:   स्वस्ति संवादेषूभयोवृर्द्धिवर्रकन्ययोश्चिरंजीविनौ भूयास्ताम्।
Other : बिदा Ex:  Washington formally bade his officers farewell and on December 23 उ:   ...और फिर चैत्र शुक्ल चतुर्थी को गणगौर माता बिदा होती है। राम राम Ex:  It is also said of the farewell that is made to his friends, people he knew, when we move away from them for some time to
Farewell ki paribhasha : puraananusaar brahma ki tin striyon men se ek stri ka naam vah dhan jo kisi ko bida hone ke samaya, usaka satkaar karane ke liye diya jaay vah dhan aadi jo vida hone ke samay kisi ko diya jaay
Farewell synonyms
adieu goodbye valediction salutation sendoff adieus ciao cheerio adios adieux leave-taking bye-bye hasta la vista have a nice day so long ta-ta
Farewell antonyms
greeting hello
Usage of Farewell in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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