Farmer meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Farmer
As noun : इलव Ex:  The farmer yoked oxen to a plough.
करसण Ex:  An Indian farmer should be a vacher also. कार्ष, कार्षक Ex:  The farmer tills the land. काश्तकार Ex:  The farmer farms the land. किरिसी Ex:  The farmer fallowed the farmland. किर्षि Ex:  The farmer had to triple his produce. किसान Ex:  a Hampshire farmer had fowls of different breeds, including Dorkings, and he discriminated ingeniously between the `dark ones and the `white ones उ:   चंपारण के किसान आंदोलन में भी उन्होंने भाग लिया। किसेन Ex:  The farmer furrowed the land. कृषि Ex:  New potatoes are often harvested by the home gardener or farmer by "grabbling" उ:   कृषि के लिये अन्युपयुक्त है। क्रिखी Ex:  A traditional farmer and herder culture also predominates in many areas क्षेत्रकर, क्षेत्रकर्षक Ex:  The average farmer is 53 and getting older क्षेत्रजीव Ex:  The Campbells sponsored settlement by other farmer families to work their land क्षेत्रपति Ex:  Adopted and raised by a Kansas farmer and his wife जोतने वाला Ex:  A farmer society मर्जबान Ex:  A good farmer लांगलग्रह Ex:  adjectively and by extension, farmer Habits शरहमुअय्यन, शरहमुऐयन Ex:  adjectively, a farmer company सीरवाहक Ex:  C ' Such is the land of farmer हरहारा Ex:  evicting a farmer हलग्राही Ex:  half is said of Lands and commercial cases to indicate that the product must be shared equally between the owner and the farmer or between two associated हलजीवी Ex:  He is the son of a wealthy farmer हलभृत Ex:  It is a farmer in my village हलि Ex:  MÉTAIRIE, often applies to a small farm, that is to say, to a moderate extent Domain, the farmer pays a fixed annual fee, in cash or in fruit हलिक Ex:  The farmer games हालिक Ex:  The farmer named in the lease of this land is only one nominee
Other : कृषक Ex:  My uncle was a dyed-in-the-wool farmer . उ:   कृषक स्वयं ही पुराने ढंग से गुड़ बनाते हैं। खेतिया Ex:  Laozi pretended to be a farmer when reaching the western gate खेतिहर Ex:  A farmer is forced to leave fertilizer at the end of its lease उ:   खड़िया समुदाय मुख्यतः एक ग्रामीण खेतिहर समुदाय है। हलवाहा Ex:  It takes so much to this farmer aoûterons
Farmer ki paribhasha : vah manushy jisane jamindaar ko kuchh vaarshik lagaan dene ki pratigya karake usaki jaminn par kheti karane ki svatv praapt kiya ho gaaanv men naai, baari aadi jinake ghar kamaate hain unhe kisaan kahate hain
Farmer synonyms
rancher peasant laborer producer grower tender reaper gardener agriculturist clodhopper hired hand horticulturist villein homesteader gleaner feeder planter agriculturalist cropper sower sharecropper tiller agronomist harvester cultivator plower cob breeder country person grazer
Usage of Farmer in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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