Farness meaning in hindi
As noun : अँतर
छेती दूरी उ: दूरी के आधार पर यह सूर्य से तीसरा ग्रह है। विप्रकर्ष, विप्रकर्षण षष्टियोजनी
Farness ki paribhasha : khaaki rng ki ek prakaar ki lava chidiya
ExamplesFarness synonyms
span area stretch space orbit gap width length radius separation scope size breadth purview sweep ambit sky absence spread way objective purlieu horizon reach expanse extent compass outpost hinterland outskirts extension lapse remove amplitude heavens provinces country mile far piece good ways Farness antonyms
affection friendliness height sympathy warmth Usage of Farness in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi.
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