Fat meaning in hindi
As noun : अखर्ब Ex: He is very fat and unfit.
अग्रगण्य Ex: unsaponified fat आंजन Ex: Get out of bed, you fat slob! उच्छून Ex: Her aunt is a fat and blowzy woman. उत्कृष्ट Ex: The fat persons usually sweat the fat off by doing excercises. उ: उनके काव्य में हास्य रस की भी उत्कृष्ट योजना मिलती है। उदूढ Ex: I like to watch the fat cats go by in their BMWs . किसी वस्तु का बहुमूल्य भाग Ex: The cook skimmed off the fat . खर्वेतर Ex: The hot fat spattered on me . खाता पीता Ex: The bears will store fat up for the long winter . गंण्डग्राम Ex: They store up fat for the winter . गजपुंगव Ex: Abdominal fat is especially active hormonally गरूपु Ex: If too much fat is included in a bread dough घनधातु Ex: Standard cocoa powder has a fat content of approximately 10-12 percent. चरबी Ex: This makes the resulting fat more brittle. उ: चरबी का इस्तेमाल साबुन बनाने में किया जाता है। चर्बी Ex: "the fat one" refers to its cuisine. उ: पार्श्र्व भाग की चर्बी को कम करता है। जठरा Ex: The fat globules in milk from goats जडैल Ex: Casein micelles are attracted to the newly-exposed fat surfaces तैलाक्त Ex: Jersey cows produce milk of about 5.2% fat दीघ Ex: Zebu cows produce milk of about 4.7% fat निविरीश निविरीस Ex: Brown Swiss cows produce milk of about 4.0% fat न्यायस् Ex: Mastitis infection can cause fat levels to decline. प्यान Ex: Full cream, or whole milk, has the full milk fat content . प्रगुण्य Ex: 1.5 grams of total fat प्रथमज Ex: 1.9 grams of total fat प्रथु Ex: The species feeds only in summer and lives off fat reserves during winter. प्राग्य Ex: Animal fat is one of the only dietary sources of saturated fat बटाक ‡ Ex: More than half the calories found in eggs come from the fat in the yolk बड़डपु Ex: A big belly, a big fat man and बड़म Ex: A fat trimmed cable cords by the end बड़ा Ex: A fat woman उ: यह भारत का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा गुंबद है। बड़ाल Ex: A rounded face, A face fat and full बरारा Ex: adipose vessels, vessels which are distributed in the fat बरो ‡ Ex: also said the fat Sunday, Shrove Monday, Shrove Tuesday बालादस्त Ex: By extension, it means a lot of fat Who बिग Ex: Chemistry One says an acid obtained by treating the fat with alkali उ: बिग बॉस के घर में सन्नी की मुलाकात महेश भट्ट से हुई थी। बिग Ex: Chemistry One says an acid obtained by treating the fat with alkali उ: बिग बॉस के घर में सन्नी की मुलाकात महेश भट्ट से हुई थी। बुजरग Ex: Earth fat is also said to Clay that is used for degreasing and clothes to remove stains भरकम Ex: fat joke भरी भरकम Ex: fat that Vin मसल Ex: Figues fat, figs which over time have contracted a sort of fat मांसतेज Ex: From the oil fat मांससमुद्धवा Ex: He speaks, it responds by fat मांसस्नेह Ex: His coat, his hat is fat माहसो Ex: Hunting Time of year when the deer is fat and good hunting मुखर Ex: In terms of Carousel, Hocks full, fat Hocks मुर्शिद् Ex: It also means fat Salir मेद Ex: It also said the butter, oil or fat used to fry, and then keep that for the same use मेह Ex: It also said the device that, in a machine, automatically feeds fat or oil moving organs मोटा असामी Ex: It also says Mets where there are more or less fat मोहकम Ex: It also wants a very fat child वड़ा Ex: It is a fat that knows marivauder वड्र Ex: It is also used as intransitive, in the sense of Se fatten become fat वसा Ex: It is bold, but it is not a good fat उ: साबुन, वसा अम्लों के जलविलेय लवण हैं। वस्य Ex: It is really too fat, it is quite fat विस्त्रा Ex: It is said of some fleshy parts that fat released more rounded वीर्यकर Ex: It is short and fat Short शितिमांस Ex: It is somewhat fat सत्कला Ex: It once meant Rub some oil or other fat सिरताज Ex: Little is said A beautiful fish A beautiful hare, in speaking of a fish, a very fat and good to eat Hare सुमदुम Ex: Manner of speaking and to act from that fat स्तनभर Ex: Melt fat स्थूल Ex: Mineral fat Vaseline, etc उ: ये समय स्थूल रूप से प्रत्यक्ष हैं। स्नेहवर Ex: Nothing is more ridiculous than an old fat हड्डज Ex: Piece of pork or goose, which returns in its fat and that is served chilled हिंस्त्रा Ex: Poor fat
Other : आरोपी Ex: she was too fat to be a mannequin उ: जो एक आतंकवादी हमले की मुख्य आरोपी है। गोल Ex: Chocolate is also a calorie-rich food with a high fat content उ: अणुओं का आकार पूर्णतः गोल है। चरबीदार Ex: Is it a de-tuned Enzo in a fat suit? चिकना Ex: Although fat is a common way of storing energy चिकनाई Ex: The Platypus uses its tail for storage of fat reserves . उ: चिकनाई वाले कॉस्मेटिक उत्पाद न लगाएं। चिकनापन Ex: Both the fat globules and the smaller casein micelles चिकनाहट Ex: The fat globules contain some yellow-orange carotene तैयार Ex: Processed milk began containing differing amounts of fat during the 1950s. उ: कविता संग्रह राजकमल प्रकाशन में छपकर तैयार है। बसा Ex: By analogy, degrease the wine, remove him, by means of some ingredient, the poor quality it contracts by turning to fat उ: यह कंसाबती नदी के किनारे बसा हुआ है। बादी Ex: By analogy, GRAS means which is smooth, resembling fat उ: बादी महल या अमर विलास महल पत्थरों से बना हुआ है। मोटा Ex: It also tells of a very fat child उ: कभी कभी यह सिरलोइन के ऊपर का अत्यधिक मोटा हिस्सा भी होता है।
Fat ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ki machhali tela, ghi, charabi aadi chikane padaarth ek pakavaan jo masaala mili hui urd ki pithi ki gol chakraakaar tikiyon ko ghi ya tel men talakar banata hai samaan saphed ya kuchh pile rng ka ek chikana gaadha padaarth jo praaniyon ke sharir men or bahut se paudhon aur vrakshon men bhi paaya jaata hai vah padaarth jisaka saadhaaranataya indriyon dvaara grahan ho sake jisake sharir men aavashyakata se aadhik maans ho
ExamplesFat synonyms
bulky obese inflated bulging hefty large chunky big heavy meaty plump gross bull solid broad lard roly-poly bovine blimp stout swollen husky distended beefy brawny burly corpulent dumpy elephantine fleshy gargantuan ponderous porcine portly pudgy rotund weighty heavyset plumpish thickset butterball jelly-belly oversize paunchy potbellied whalelike fatty greasy unctuous oleaginous fatlike suety lucrative flourishing thriving good lush affluent cushy fertile fruitful profitable prosperous remunerative grease surplus overabundance plethora fatness superfluity tallow corpulence blubber obesity overflow excess surfeit flab cellulite Fat antonyms
miniature tiny skinny unimportant insignificant slender lean impoverished unproductive small thin slight little soft slim poor failing languishing lack necessity scarcity need want Usage of Fat in sentences
The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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