Fatal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fatal
As adjective : अंतकारी Ex:  The fatal train accident took a heavy toll of life.
खुनी Ex:  She got contusion due to fatal fall. घस्र Ex:  But for these two fatal diseases all others are liveable with. घातक Ex:  Dublin also has the largest number of fatal stabbings in Ireland. उ:   यह एक अत्यंत घातक रोग है। घाती Ex:  There have been fatal accidents involving TGVs on lignes classiques जानलेवा Ex:  Guevara received many wounds to the legs and a fatal one to the chest उ:   कई बार तो ये जानलेवा भी साबित हो सकते हैं। जीवघातक Ex:  In zoos, musth is often the cause of fatal accidents to elephant keepers. प्रमापयिता Ex:  On recovering from this near fatal disorder प्राणघातक Ex:  However the illness turned fatal on August 23 1921 उ:   ऐसे में शरीर के किसी भाग से रक्त बहने पर प्राणघातक हो सकता है। प्राणहंता Ex:  In 1649 a fatal epidemic brought from Cartagena in Colombia प्राणहर Ex:  The most common fatal bacterial diseases are respiratory infections प्राणहारी Ex:  Chagas' disease can be fatal प्राणांतक Ex:  Absolute necessity, hard, fatal प्राणान्तक Ex:  Absolutely fatal Coup Coup by which we give death to someone फाड़खाऊ ‡ Ex:  Ambition fatal fatal भाग्य संबंधी Ex:  fatal accident रिष्व Ex:  fatal Company विधाती Ex:  fatal event हालिक Ex:  Happy, sad, fatal conditions
Other : मरणांतक Ex:  fatal Board सांघातिक Ex:  fatal event, misfortune, or effects resulting
Fatal ki paribhasha : jyautish men janmanakshatr se solahavaaan nakshatr jo saanghaatik kaha gaya hai bhavishy men honevaali vah vaat ya vyaapaar jisaka ghatana nishchit ho jisake bina kaam na chale phalit jyotish men vah yog jisaka phal kisi ki mratyu ho
Fatal synonyms
catastrophic calamitous mortal cataclysmic disastrous fateful malignant virulent poisonous ruinous destructive incurable inevitable baleful baneful deathly final ill-fated killing noxious pernicious pestilent terminal pestilential ill-starred malefic mortiferous crucial decisive destined determining doomed unlucky foreordained predestined
Fatal antonyms
fortunate healthy harmless assisting helpful healthful nourishing wholesome trivial unimportant unnecessary blessed life-giving vital
Usage of Fatal in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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