Faulty meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Faulty
As noun : अयाथार्यिक Ex:  A child died at the airport due to a faulty escalator.
गलत Ex:  This appears to have been the result of a faulty electrical system. उ:   वर्षों से यह कुबेर पडी विदेशों में गलत तरीके से बेचा जाता है। विस्खलित Ex:  A faulty editing
As adjective : अपुनीत Ex:  He submitted a faulty report. अशुद्ध Ex:  With a faulty outgroup or character set उ:   अशुद्ध वंग के विशुद्ध करने की अनेक विधियाँ हैं। अशौची Ex:  Inferring from their faulty maps that the distances to each were about equal गलीज Ex:  If the first service is otherwise faulty in any way गैरसाल Ex:  If the second service is also faulty संदोष Ex:  Jurisprudence Cancellation of sale recognized something of a faulty सांजन Ex:  The memory of old men is usually faulty
Other : अवद्य Ex:  The faulty depth control mechanism of the Mark 14 was corrected in August 1942 ऐबी Ex:  It burned down in 1897, presumably due to a faulty flue. उ:   ये सांटा मारिया डी मॉन्ट्सेराट ऐबी के संस्थापक भी थे। खराब Ex:  Now, Yamamoto's faulty dispositions came home to roost. उ:   पिता जी की आर्थिक स्थिति खराब थी। खोटा Ex:  In addition to the faulty storm drains बुरा Ex:  German dispositions and leadership were often faulty उ:   उसके साथ हमेशा बुरा होता है। सदोष Ex:  Legislation vicious, faulty
Faulty ki paribhasha : jisapar aapatti ya etaraaj kiya ja sake
Faulty synonyms
damaged erroneous inaccurate defective inadequate deficient invalid broken insufficient unreliable cracked leaky incomplete adulterated amiss awry bad below par blamable debased distorted fallacious fallible frail impaired imperfect inexact injured lame lemon maimed malformed out of order rank sick tainted unfit unsound weak wrong false flawed malfunctioning imprecise blemished botched marred unretentive warped
Faulty antonyms
ok working valid honest reliable faultless flawless adequate enough sufficient ample fixed perfect unbroken correct right true accurate complete sound strong
Usage of Faulty in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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