Fawn meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fawn
As noun : गिड़गिड़ाना Ex:  He rose slowly and lifted the fawn from the ground .
प्रेम दिखाना Ex:  A fawn following her mother मृग छौना Ex:  Tawny and substantively The fawn, fawn color ललोपच्चो करना Ex:  The wood pierces the young fawn हल्का पीला रंग Ex:  Small deer doe fawn हिरण का बच्चा हिरणी का बच्चा देना हिरणी का बच्चा
As verb : चापलूसी करना Ex:  Jody stood beside him, the fawn clutched hard against him .
Other : खुशामद करना Ex:  He said, �Ma, Pa says I can go bring back the fawn . गिडगिडाना Ex:  �What fawn?� �The fawn belonging to the doe we killed .
Fawn ki paribhasha : vah jhoothi prashnsa jo keval doosare ko prasann aur anukool rakhane ke liye ki jaay
Fawn synonyms
yearling baby buck baby doe crouch grovel defer kowtow flatter stroke submit toady creep cotton pander debase snow scrape jolly stoop woo cajole abase kneel oil invite court crawl truckle blandish cower yield bow slaver cringe massage apple-polish brownnose butter up curry favor be at beck and call be obsequious be servile buddy up cater to cave in to fall all over honey up lay it on lick boots make up to pay court play up to fall on one's knees
Fawn antonyms
deny refuse honor ignore reject force fight
Usage of Fawn in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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