Fearsome meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fearsome
As noun : अघोर Ex:  He was given a fearsome task.
उदेजय Ex:  Once it had gained its fearsome reputation खुँखार Ex:  The name Rudra reflects his fearsome aspects. गरेरुआ Ex:  Another of Shiva's fearsome forms is as दुर्निरीक्ष्य धुबे नाड़िंधम पुरहौल भंक भयंक भयंकर उ:   चारों तरफ भयंकर गरीबी थी। भयंद भीकर भैभान भोषक रोमहर्षण ललजिह्व विरूपक विहावणी शंकुर हिंस्त्र
Other : घनघोर Ex:  The strength of an army, What makes it fearsome उ:   इन कंप्यूटरों के आकार के साथ तो घनघोर परेशानी थी ही।
Fearsome ki paribhasha : saahity men nau rason ke antargat chhatha ras jise dekhane se bhay lagata ho draavana
Fearsome synonyms
scary awe-inspiring impressive intimidating imposing awesome horrible powerful terrible frightful terrifying formidable shocking frightening distressing massive striking tremendous alarmed apprehensive fearful panicky scared skittish timorous worried
Fearsome antonyms
calming soothing ineffective unimportant trivial pleasant comforting ordinary unimpressive weak nice
Usage of Fearsome in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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