Feast meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Feast
As noun : अघाउ Ex:  Travelling in Kerala State is a feast to eyes.
अभ्यवहरण Ex:  a feast for the eyes आशि Ex:  The festival was a feast of colours. उछछप Ex:  Just feast your eyes on that beautiful beach . उछोह Ex:  We will feast upon turkey for weeks . उत्सव Ex:  Damien was given a memorial feast day उ:   इस उत्सव को वर्षा ऋतु में मनाया जाता है। ऊछव Ex:  He was baptized the next morning on the feast day of St. ओछब Ex:  The Roman Catholic Church today celebrates his feast on January 28 कवलना Ex:  The late 12th-century templon beam shows twelve canonical feast scenes किनाअत Ex:  Western-rite churches celebrate his feast day on 29 December किनात Ex:  The Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church has a liturgical feast by that name खतिरजमा Ex:  The corresponding feast in other rites may go by other names खाधना Ex:  He invited her and other tribal leaders to a feast खाना Ex:  Christmas Eve, and ending with the feast of the baptism of Jesus on 13 January. उ:   खाना शान्त स्थान पर खायें, टी वी बंद कर दें। जग्ध Ex:  A feast and a festival are historically interchangeable. जिमनार Ex:  The etymology of feast is very similar to that of festival. जेँवना Ex:  Muhammad's birthday is celebrated as a major feast throughout the Islamic world जोष Ex:  During the wedding feast टासाँ Ex:  Coincidentally, April 19 is the feast of St. तृष्णात्क्षय Ex:  Wine and meat were enjoyed on feast days and for the upper classes. त्यैहार Ex:  a magnificent feast They were made to थीती Ex:  Celebrating the feast of a saint दावत करना Ex:  Establish a feast दिलजमई Ex:  feast is also used as intransitive verb and means Eating निर्वृति Ex:  Have a party, to a feast निहाल होना Ex:  If feast imaginations प्रतुष्टि Ex:  Invite to a feast प्राणोपहार Ex:  It figuratively said a small piece of verse addressed to a person on his feast day प्राशु Ex:  It is also said of the Day which the Church celebrates the feast of the kidnapping प्सा Ex:  It is also the intransitive sense Attend a party to a feast प्सान Ex:  It is also the name of a feast that is among the ancient moon each renewal बुझरिया Ex:  Loving to feast, feast भछना Ex:  Make a feast of rejoicing भुंचना Ex:  musical feast Sort भोज खाना Ex:  No incidents disturbed the feast भोज देना Ex:  Prepare, prepare to feast भोज Ex:  reliefs of the feast they gave them उ:   'एमाउस में भोज " ब्रेरा अकादमी में धारित है। भोजनवृत्ति Ex:  Roman antiquity Whoever was responsible the arrangement of the feast मसकाना Ex:  solemn feast मिस्कीट Ex:  The band of this city went to the feast मेजबानी Ex:  The feast day of the saint which that person is named उ:   बोत्सवाना घटना की मेजबानी की। रघ्रती Ex:  The feast in honor of the chief of the transition was very bright वल्मन Ex:  The feast of a confessor विष्वाण Ex:  The feast of Our Lady of Conception, Conception or simply शरीरस्थिति Ex:  The feast of person संतोष Ex:  The feast of the Circumcision, or simply the Circumcision in the day when we celebrate the Circumcision of Our Lord उ:   राज्य में एक फुटबॉल भी टीम है जोकि संतोष ट्राफी में भाग लेता रहता है। समारोह Ex:  The feast of the dedication of churches उ:   यह समारोह लगभग १५वीं शताब्दी से शुरु हुआ था। समाश Ex:  The feast of the Epiphany सुकून Ex:  The little Christmas Gifts familiar expression meaning which are usually given to children the occasion of the feast of Christmas
As verb : अभ्यवहरण Ex:  a feast for the eyes अभ्यवहार Ex:  The wedding feast was excellent. आन्नदित करन Ex:  A treed area is a feast to the eyes. जेँवना Ex:  Muhammad's birthday is celebrated as a major feast throughout the Islamic world तनाउल Ex:  At the end of the feast पेटपूजा Ex:  In terms of hunting, it means the moment when the beast comes out of the place where she spent the feast day to प्राश् Ex:  It is also said transitively Shomer a feast भोजन करना Ex:  Rogation, the plural, means, in terms of liturgy, prayer accompanied by public processions, the church did to get good crops during the three days before the feast Ascension वल्मन Ex:  The feast of a confessor शरीरस्थिति Ex:  The feast of person
Other : त्योहार Ex:  Celebrate someone, celebrate the feast of someone one, or give Him a feast, celebrations उ:   महाशिवरात्रि हिन्दुओं का एक प्रमुख त्योहार है। दावत Ex:  feast his eyes a show, The watch avidly उ:   कुछ कैथोलिक देशों में इसे सेंट जोसेफ की दावत वाले दिन मनाया जाता है। परब Ex:  If feast on chimeras उ:   यह परब मुख्यतः तीन नामों से जाना जाता है।
Feast ki paribhasha : aalamaari, mej ya sndook aadi men chijen rakhane ke liye patariyon ya takhton ke dvaara kiya hua vibhaag puraananusaar shaanti devi ke garbh se utpann vasudev ke ek putr ka naam vah din jisamen koi bad dhaarmik ya jaatiy utsav manaaya jaay kisi ratn va javaahir ka chhota tukad koi aisa kaary ya utsav jisamen bahut dhoomadhaam ho
Feast synonyms
festivity picnic repast festival fiesta dinner gala barbecue blow carousal carnival blowout entertainment refreshment fete spread regale treat merrymaking wassail potlatch jollification clambake big feed dine gormandize indulge stuff gorge overindulge wine and dine eat sumptuously stuff one's face
Feast antonyms
abstain fast hurt
Usage of Feast in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
Word of the day

Satyam 22 November, 2024 Feast opposite what
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