Fed up meaning in hindi
As adjective : आहितकलस Ex: His family is fed up of his methodism.
ऊबा हुआ Ex: I am fed up to my eyeballs with your complaining . ग्लास्नु Ex: ” when fed up with her attitude. ग्लौता तंद्रो तांत उ: यहां पर भारत की बेहतरीन साड़ियों में से तांत साड़ी तैयार की जाती है। थका हुआ थेंथर दुखी या खिन्न विक्लांत श्रमित सतंद्र सश्रम उ: तीन वर्षों का सश्रम कारावास हुआ। सादित
Other : दिक
ExamplesFed up synonyms
annoyed blasã© blue bored depressed discontented dismal dissatisfied down gloomy glum jaded tired weary sated satiated sick and tired surfeited up to here Fed up antonyms
overjoyed pleased happy Usage of Fed up in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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