Feel in bones meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Feel in bones
As noun :
अन्तर्ज्ञान होना
Feel in bones synonyms
expect perceive predict feel deeply have a feeling have a funny feeling have a hunch have a sensation just know jumpy afraid uncertain concerned suspicious doubtful uneasy uptight jittery alarmed foreboding frozen hung up lily-livered shaky stiff troubled weak worried mistrustful biting nails butterflies disquieted get vibes have cold feet have funny feeling have stage fright in a cold sweat in a dither in a sweat jellyfish running scared scaredy-cat worried sick notice anticipate appreciate think understand grasp believe realize discern catch divine consider credit read dig apprehend observe suspect savvy hold deem pick up take in apperceive be with it catch on catch the drift feel in gut get the drift get the idea get the impression get the picture pin conclude recognize see flash feature comprehend track distinguish copy gather deduce learn get the message get vibrations
Feel in bones antonyms
collected composed laid-back confident unquestionable unafraid calm easy-going cool happy certain clear definite sure at ease quiet undoubting unfearful unsuspicious unworried ignore disbelieve disregard misunderstand release miss neglect overlook misinterpret let go lose forget abandon be numb be unaware fail
Usage of Feel in bones in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi 
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