Feeling meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Feeling
As noun : अँदेशा Ex:  the depth of my feeling
अंतरगति Ex:  She was feeling quite desolate after her friend left for home. अंतस्सत्ता Ex:  He was feeling ravenous after the long trip. अकांडशूल Ex:  she had a feeling of euphoria अननुभावकता Ex:  the feeling of being better than other people that being part of an elite encourages अनुभव Ex:  Injection gave a feeling of pins and needles. उ:   कोई भी अनुभव सर्व व्यापी नहीं होता। अनुभूति Ex:  I cant seem to throw off this feeling of inertia. उ:   हाइकु अनुभूति के चरम क्षण की कविता है। अनुभौ Ex:  I am feeling much better since joining the gym. अन्यथाभाव Ex:  I am feeling desolation today. अन्ववेक्षा Ex:  She is feeling penitence for what she has done to me. अपह्नव Ex:  Now I am feeling perfectly well. अभिप्रणय Ex:  I have a bad feeling in this matter. अभिमानित Ex:  Ancient people have a great feeling for pantheism. अभिवृत्ति Ex:  he is feeling hungry उ:   अभिवृत्ति इन सभी विशेषताओं से अलग प्रवृत्ति है। अभिशंका Ex:  he stared over the edge with a feeling of awe अभिष्वंग Ex:  I had the feeling that he was waiting, too--serenely patient अववोधक Ex:  He flung off his sweater as he was feeling uncomfortably hot in it. अविद्वेष Ex:  He was feeling tired so he lay down on the sea side. अवीक्षण Ex:  Sectarian Violence destroys national feeling among the people.
The political leaders turned sectarians in their views.
आँस Ex:  The dying patient is beyond feeling . आशंका Ex:  I will check on Jeff while he's not feeling well . उ:   जिससे महाराष्ट्र में गृहयुद्ध की आशंका टल गई। आशिकी Ex:  I have a feeling she didn't come by it honestly . उ:   आशिकी ज्यादा हो जाए तो लड़की। इंदिया Ex:  I went out of there feeling sorry for myself . इखलास Ex:  I hope you're feeling better . इदराक Ex:  I'm just not feeling up to par today . इन्द्रिय बोध Ex:  A feeling of nausea washed over me . इमानदारी Ex:  A strong feeling of satisfaction washed over me . उ:   इमानदारी और मेहनत के प्रति एक सूचिता पैदा की है । इल्तिफात Ex:  My feeling was that he was on to something उड़ियाँना Ex:  Brown, feeling uneasy, walked away. उत्तेजना Ex:  The same feeling was shared by the German import-export houses उपजोष Ex:  Williams stated, "I just was feeling dizzy, a little sick to the stomach. उपधानक Ex:  I feeling that Ernest would surely have made them himself. उपलंभ Ex:  Borman eventually fell asleep but then awoke feeling ill. एहसास Ex:  There may be the feeling of tingling in the skin उ:   उसे पूजा से प्यार का एहसास हो गया है। क्षमता Ex:  '" The quarterback recalls feeling suddenly "stronger mentally and physically. उ:   दमा के रोगियों को अपनी क्षमता से कम ही खाना चाहिए। खुटको Ex:  Oscar Wilde describes the feeling of tulips on his legs after leaving a bar. चित्तविकार Ex:  Eugénie Loyer but when he finally confessed his feeling to her चेत Ex:  Germany after he reported that he was not feeling well. उ:   यह पद सुनकर व्यास जी चेत गए और हितहरिवंश जी के अनन्य भक्त हो गए। चेत Ex:  Germany after he reported that he was not feeling well. उ:   यह पद सुनकर व्यास जी चेत गए और हितहरिवंश जी के अनन्य भक्त हो गए। चेतना Ex:  Probably not feeling bound by these restrictions उ:   वे राष्ट्रीय चेतना की एक सजग कवयित्री रही हैं। छो Ex:  If an individual develops the feeling that they belong to a group जजबात Ex:  Two years later Goldman began feeling frustrated with lecture audiences. जहन Ex:  That song represents very well the mood I'm feeling right now. जोष Ex:  Under the influence of this feeling डराडरी Ex:  t is the feeling side of intelligence . तजरवाकारी Ex:  But he had a feeling that he was going to fail again . तर्कणा Ex:  Deb started feeling that he had gone crazy and would die . थंभनी Ex:  a doctrine, a good or bad opinion of a feeling दय Ex:  A feeling against Nature दया Ex:  A feeling hot, cold उ:   दया और कुआखाई नदियों खुर्दा के माध्यम से प्रवाह होती है। दरदाईपु Ex:  A feeling that I can not define seized me दुचितईपु Ex:  Absolutely, the faculty of feeling दुचिताईपु Ex:  According to my feeling धड़चा Ex:  aesthetic emotion, feeling particular product by the beautiful धारणा Ex:  And he said to the instinctual movement, the feeling that leads to seek or do something उ:   उनकी यह धारणा बाद में सही पायी गई थी। ध्या Ex:  Apart from that, I'm feeling your ध्यात्व Ex:  As real subject: There was this feeling that you परेम Ex:  Bad feeling पिंम ‡ Ex:  Close to her heart every feeling of humanity पिरम्म Ex:  Disgust by a feeling of blandness प्रतिसंवेदन Ex:  dogmatic philosophy Term borrowed from Latin and that s 'hardly used in this sentence, the dictates of conscience, the inner feeling of consciousness प्रविचेतन Ex:  Extended Expiration lets out that under the influence of a feeling of sadness, an emotion , suffering a प्रास्तुत्य Ex:  feeling प्रियार्ह Ex:  feeling Assignment प्रीतिय Ex:  feeling of one who suspects प्रेप्सा Ex:  feeling that it was infatuated, that fits all circumstances and that we keep talking प्रेम Ex:  Feeling, feeling pain, pain in any part of the body उ:   उनको अपने प्रेम का और साथ होने का भरोसा दें। प्रैय Ex:  Figure accompanied by a sentence expressing allegorically and some brief thought, some feeling प्लुक्षि Ex:  Follow Plato, Descartes follow, be feeling Plato, Descartes प्लुष Ex:  Giving soul to a book, put the soul in a book , strongly express what it represents, put a lot of fire, feeling बंदानिवाजी Ex:  Having the head heavy, heavy feeling in the head a feeling of heaviness, embarrassment बढा़वा Ex:  He also told People that are in complete agreement, who have the same feeling बिद्वेस Ex:  He had a feeling he would not return to बिरोग ‡ Ex:  He has no feeling or knowledge बीचार Ex:  He said the appearance of a body whose surface, fully absorbing all radiation it receives, gives the feeling of darkness बोध Ex:  He said This gives us the feeling of a temperature significantly below ours उ:   बोध गया में भी उसके अनेक चित्र अंकित है। बोधोदय Ex:  I enter your feeling भावगति Ex:  I have a feeling this bad turn भावना Ex:  I share your feeling on this point उ:   इसकी सारी भावना हिन्दू है। भावलिंग Ex:  I share, I adopt your feeling भावाट Ex:  I'm not feeling his मनोराग Ex:  It also means our agreement with the feeling of others, we have the power to participate in the sorrows and pleasures of the other मितपन Ex:  It also says a simple arm movement, of the hand, and even the head, especially when it is done to express some feeling मुराकबा Ex:  It also says Manners, words used purposely to please, or we feel or you do not feel the feeling that one wants to inspire मुहब्बत Ex:  It also tells of things that can distract someone in solitude, to prevent him from feeling alone मेहर Ex:  It does not feel joy, it does not feel comfortable with, is so convinced of his joy that it takes away any feeling मेहरबानी Ex:  It figuratively said of a feeling that gradually becomes clearer and growing and also one in which this phenomenon occurs मोह Ex:  It has the feeling of the music, the feeling of Arts उ:   चारों तरफ चहचहाते हुए पक्षी मन मोह लेते हैं। रणरणक Ex:  It is also used as a noun and means one, one that is the feeling of the party someone who falls into a political group, social, literary, etc रतिभाव Ex:  It is also used when speaking to a single person who manifests this feeling रतिवल्ली Ex:  It is said in a familiarly similar meaning: Getting bad blood, feeling of boredom, impatience, anxiety; and in the opposite direction रुसख Ex:  It is sometimes said, in this sense, speaking of prose publication that holds the elevation of poetic feeling and रूढ़ि Ex:  It is sometimes used figuratively to express the absence of verve, strength or sincerity in the expression of a feeling रूद् Ex:  It is too by feeling and too little by because लगालगी Ex:  It is, by extension, two people united by a common feeling or an interest that leads them to act in concert लुत्फ Ex:  It means figuratively be the feeling of someone, in a party store वचार Ex:  It means figuratively lack of feeling in relation to persons or whose occupations we just be deprived विचार Ex:  It means Who also the faculty of feeling उ:   विचार उनकी कविताओं पर हावी रहता है। विद्वेष Ex:  It means, in speaking of a writer or a speaker, Walnut in a large amount of words a thought, a feeling विसमाद Ex:  It often means action, word, feeling which shows contempt for religion वेदना Ex:  It says even about feeling Degrees he puts into his interpretation उ:   वेदना का अर्थ होता है दर्द। शुद्धचैतन्य Ex:  It says, abused and colloquially, a person who has long without feeling some bodily needs संप्रधान Ex:  It seems he died, he has no movement or feeling संप्रहर्षण Ex:  It sometimes means generally one with the feeling and taste for the arts संराग Ex:  It was impossible to get them to my feeling संवित् Ex:  It was the feeling of all his relatives संविद् Ex:  It's a feeling that nature inspires संवेदना Ex:  Kind invariable word that suddenly throws in the speech to express a feeling of pain or movements of the soul, as the admiration, astonishment, indignation, anger, etc उ:   उसमें विचारणा, भावना एवं संवेदना का त्रिविध समन्वय है। सहानुभूति Ex:  Losing the feeling उ:   उनमें भी स्वतंत्रता प्रेमियों के प्रति सहानुभूति उत्पन्न हो गई थी। सांभवी Ex:  PENALTY also means pain, distress, physical or moral suffering, feeling some harm in the body or in spirit Heart सामन्य बोध Ex:  Phone my feeling is साशंकता Ex:  Pretend play the feeling सुकृ़ति Ex:  Prudence, circumspection, just feeling things स्नेहप्रवृत्ति Ex:  Public declaration of a usual feeling स्नेहाकूट Ex:  Put the mind, judgment, taste, imagination, art, feeling in his writings स्वमनीषा Ex:  She spent against the rapporteur's view, it was considered against the feeling of the rapporteur स्वांतक Ex:  Speaking against her feeling हुब Ex:  The conscience of mankind, The feeling that all men have the right and wrong हृच्छय Ex:  The delicacy of a thought, a feeling हृणिया, हृणीया Ex:  THE EYES also means, figuratively, Next, how to see , as the feeling हृदयलेख Ex:  The feeling of existence past and present is what warns us of our personality
Other : अहसास Ex:  i am feeling tingling to hear these sexy word from yourside उ:   साथ ही विकास के लिए निरंतर नए अनुसंधान की जरूरत का भी भरपूर अहसास था। छूना Ex:  It was the feeling of her illness which brought her the idea of Dementors जज्बा Ex:  'I've got a feeling that love is here to stay! उ:   देश के लिए कुछ कर गुजरने का जज्बा शुरू से ही उनमें था। जज़्बात Ex:  Hákonarson said that he got more influenced by feeling for nature पातन Ex:  Character of a proposal for an action, a feeling contrary to logic मनोभाव Ex:  It also means feeling a pain that renews उ:   यह सब अन्तर मनोभाव और विचारधारा के बदल जाने से ही पैदा हो जाता है। मनोविकार Ex:  It also said Person or feeling that inspires a poet उ:   मनोविकार विज्ञान आधुनिक युग का एक नवीन विज्ञान है। संवेदन Ex:  It's always the same feeling a different sounds as उ:   अर्थात् संवेदन तथा प्रत्यक्षीकरण। संवेदनशील Ex:  Its most common use is figuratively, where he thinks he's ridiculous Assigning a feeling that did not उ:   यह एक संवेदनशील और शक्तिशाली विस्फोटक है। स्पर्श ज्ञान Ex:  SENS also means Manner to understand, to judge; Opinion, opinion, feeling स‌ंवेदना Ex:  SPEECH words still means a set considered in respect to the idea or feeling they express
Feeling ki paribhasha : abhi- mat va ipsit ki praapti hone par bhi uddhat garv ya maan ke kaaran anaadar ya ghranaabhaav vah gyaan jo saakshaat karane se praapt ho man ka vah duःkhapoorn veg jo doosare ke kasht ko door karane ki prerana karata hai kisi ko du:khi dekhakar svayn du:khi hona vah shakti jisamen koi baat man men dhaaran ki jaati hai vah manovratti jisake anusaar kisi vastu ya vyakti aadi ke snbndh men yah ichchha hoti hai ki vah sada hamaare paas ya hamaare saath rahe, usaki vraddhi, unnati ya hit hi athava ham usaka bhog karen vah jo kuchh man se socha jaay athava sochakar nishchit kiya jaay duःkh ya kasht aadi ka honevaala anubhav aadhunik nyaay ke anusaar pratyaksha, anumiti upamiti aur shabdabodh dvaara praapt gyaan man men kisi prakaar ki chinta karana
Usage of Feeling in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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