Felicity meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Felicity
As noun : उत्तम प्रकार से
उपयुक्‍तता सुख चैन
Other : आनन्द उ:   इस कार्य में उन्हें अपार आनन्द की अनुभूति होती हैं। परम सुख सुख उ:   किंतु इसमें मुझे सुख मिलता है।
Felicity synonyms
merriment enjoyment well-being elation rapture glee joviality contentment euphoria delight ecstasy exhilaration exuberance mirth pleasure cheerfulness jubilation bliss good spirits suitability applicability aptness becomingness
Felicity antonyms
displeasure dissatisfaction sorrow woe lack sadness dislike hate hatred despair melancholy upset worry gloom misery unhappiness need want depression discouragement pain trouble
Usage of Felicity in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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