Fell meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fell
As noun : काट गिराना Ex:  He fell in the brambles.
जंगली पहाड़ी भूमि Ex:  He fell on floor. मार गिराना Ex:  She fell at his feet .
As verb : गिराना{गिराना} Ex:  He fell down. चर्म Ex:  He scuded on the road and fell down. उ:   सभी प्रकार के चर्म समस्या मीट जाती है।
Other : निर्दयी Ex:  He fell for the gifts offered by the shop. फैल Ex:  Jim fell from the tread. उ:   अफवाहें फैल गईं कि जोड़े की शादी संकट में थी।
Fell ki paribhasha : manushya, pashu aadi ke sharir ka oopari aavaran kisi chij ka aadhaar ya avarodh aadi hataakar use upane sthaan par se niche dal dena kh ses naag jaake kanth maala
Fell synonyms
shoot tumble drop flatten slash raze rive gash cleave cut level floor demolish hew split sunder hack prostrate mangle dash sever ground bowl over bring down cut down pull down shoot down blow down cause to fall knock down knock over lay low mow down strike down throw down
Fell antonyms
unite construct combine aid assist erect raise join build help
Usage of Fell in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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