Fence in meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fence in
As noun : चारो ओर से घेरना Ex:  Fortification Work composed of two faces forming a salient angle, with parapet and fence in front of
परिश्रित रोक लगाना
Fence in synonyms
incarcerate hem mew envelop immure enclose jail restrain confine shut up coop up close in lock up shut in intern keep trap detain hem in hold captive hold prisoner put under lock and key delineate set mark limit distinguish establish encircle rim girdle fix bound edge flank settle verge compass curb circumscribe encompass border demarcate belt mark out set bounds to stake out wall in seize apprehend commit nab constrain closet ice trammel stockade check occlude bottle up put away remand bastille hold hostage hold in custody keep captive keep in custody lock in put behind bars rail in send to prison send up take prisoner box case hedge inundate besiege ring beleaguer beset skirt circumvent blockade outline invest fringe environ margin loop enclave box in close around close in on go around lay siege to
Fence in antonyms
release liberate free let go let out set free unloose unsettle aid assist center distort tangle help open lose confuse twist give abandon stop cease permit allow speak
Usage of Fence in in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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